Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2015, 2, 26-42

Open Access Article

Historical aspects of the metidology for the study of mortality

Vitkovśka Kateryna
candidate of economic sciences, PhD, assistant professor, Odessa National Economic University.

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One of the main features of the modern demographic crisis is an extremely high mortality rate, which remains a major factor in the natural population decline. Today, it is in need of quick and balanced socio - economic and demographic measures based on detailed scientific analysis of a wide range of indicators that reflect the course of demographic processes. This requires a systematic improvement of methodological approaches to the study and analysis of mortality. But this is impossible without consideration of the main historical stages in the development and establishment of research methodology mortality in order to improve them, taking into account current trends, which led to the choice of research topic. The paper analyzes the existing methodological approaches to the problems posed, but also shows that today in Ukraine there are significant regional differences in mortality levels, necessitating a more detailed analysis of the impact on the dynamics of the various causes of mortality and life expectancy of the population of certain territories. This can be done by constructing a regional tables of mortality by cause. Also provided recommendations for further improvement of methods of analysis of mortality by cause.


mortality, methods, tables of mortality, causes of death, scorecard, regional differentiation.

JEL classification: J19

UD classification: 314.48:93/94

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