Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2015, 5, 135-145

Open Access Article

Areas of interaction of social enterprises and business organizations

Svynchuk Anastasiia
graduate student of department of management, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman,

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Svynchuk A., (2015) Areas of interaction of social enterprises and business organizations. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 5(225), pp. 135-145.


Social enterprises, even though they are a business organization, and must be self-sufficient, need support from both the state and society, and on the part of business, especially at the stage of its creation and development. That is why the important issue is the development of mechanisms of interaction of business organizations and social enterprises in order to revitalize the past as an effective tool to overcome social problems. Proceeding from the above mentioned article proposed a model of the interaction of business organizations and social enterprises, which includes the power (high, medium, low) and direction (CSR implementation, support for social enterprises, creation of social enterprises) interactions of these organizations, and discusses the benefits and disadvantages of such cooperation.


social enterprise, business organization, corporation, partnership, corporate social responsibility, interaction.

JEL classification: L26

UD classification: 364 -3:061.1 +658.114/.115

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