Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2015, 7, 139-155
Open Access Article
Poltavskaya Olga
graduate student, Ukrainian Stat University of Railway Transport,
Poltavskaya O., (2015) Problems of the development of high-speed railway traffic in Ukraine. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 7(227), pp. 139-155.
Ukrainian rail transport is one of the most important sectors of the industrial infrastructure of the national economy - the foundation of the transport system of Ukraine. The Future of the Railway Transport of Ukraine related to the implementation of strategic decisions, including reforming and implementing large-scale innovation projects. The organization of the high-speed passenger traffic is the most relevant today. The future of the passenger traffic by rail of Ukraine depends on the further development and improvement of highways, and on the creation of high-speed highways in the future. It will help to improve the competitiveness of the rail transport. The purpose of the article – is to research foreign experience of the implementation of speed and high-speed railway traffic by rail and prospects of its development in Ukraine. Foreign experience of Western Europe, China and Japan is considered. Considering the international experience the following measures should be provided in order to improve efficiency of Ukrainian rail transport function: 1. Creation of favorable investment climate at rail transport; 2. Improvement of Ukrainian legislation in the field of investment - innovative development of rail transport and mechanisms of its implementation; 3. Development of mechanisms of state guarantees, promotion of coordinating role and increase of state investment; 4. Creation of effective managerial system of investment - innovative activity Ukrzaliznytsia and working-out of program of innovative development of rail transport of Ukrzaliznytsia ; 5. Development of attractive innovative projects for potential investors, creation of additional incentives for the participants of the investment process. 6. Optimization of the traffic schedule of high-speed trains; 7. Reduction of the term of travel for high-speed trains; 8. Extension of network of highways network throughout the whole territory of Ukraine; 9. Optimization of the rate of tariffs in order to attract extra passengers to high-speed traffic. 10. Development of the accelerated motion (up to 160 km / h) on the basis of available routes. 11. Enhancement of the speed of passenger trains to 200km / h, it requires the technical re-equipment of railroad facilities, providing of further mechanization of its technologic processes. 12. Implementation of the high-speed running, a separate new track should be built for it, which provides the possibility of the passenger train movement at a speed of 200 - 350 km / h. In this regard capacities of the rail transport and other organizations should be involved. 13. Division of freight and passenger flows. The main direction of Ukrainian rail transport development is the development of speeded traffic, establishment and further improvement of speed and then high-speed highways. This will create a number of competitive advantages not only for rail transport, but also for the entire state economy by increasing amount of passengers.
accelerated motion, fast motion,railway reform, improving competitiveness.
JEL classification: L92
UD classification: 656.027