Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2015, 10, 198-211

Open Access Article

Jacques Ellul’s theory of propaganda

Pavlov Dmytro
Candidate of philosophy sciences, Assistant Professor of Department of philosophy and political science, National staile academy of Ukraine.

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Pavlov D., (2015) Jacques Ellul’s theory of propaganda. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 10(230), pp. 198-211.


The research is relevant due to the need of successful solution of domestic and foreign policy objectives in the current context of hybrid war. The Jacques Ellul’s theory of propaganda has a significant interest in the context of the disclosure of the mechanisms and factors of propaganda effectiveness, because propaganda is seen by Ellul as a total phenomenon. The results of this study is to find out the psycho-sociological entity of Jacques Ellul’s theory, to select and disclose contents of the two stages of the propaganda – subpropaganda and active prohaganda, to understand the role of myths in the mechanism of the propaganda. It was found out that the distinguishing feature of the Ellul’s theory of propaganda is its emphasis on formatting not beliefs, but actions. The article reveals the Ellul’s concept of "orthopraxy" that points to a new understanding of propaganda action. Based on the analysis of the Ellul’s theory of propaganda there were made the following conclusions: The original theory of propaganda was put forward by Ellul, which is relevant for understanding the current political developments in political propaganda dimension. The Ellul’s approach to propaganda is characterized by the rejection of the only doctrinal-ideological, communicative, psychological tools as factors in the effectiveness of propaganda. Instead of spreading beliefs, changes of ideas and adherence to doctrines, Ellul focuses on the formation of attitudes on certain actions that are beneficial to the propagandist through the formation of conditioned reflexes on the stage of subpropaganda, followed by their activation at the stage of active propaganda. Ellul places in the spotlight the action of an individual which is the ultimate goal of successful propaganda, and, meanwhile, a drive belt for engaging person to the propaganda mechanism of action. The Ellul’s concept of propaganda is the understanding of the mechanisms and technologies that are now used not only in political but also in advertising and religious spheres. The technology of neuro-linguistic programming, theory neuropolitics, modern hypnosis have a lot in common with the conceptual provisions of the Jacques Ellul’s theory. In practical terms, a detailed understanding the Jacques Ellul’s theory of propaganda and its implementation in Ukrainian political realities can contribute to the victory of Ukraine in hybrid warfare.


Jacques Ellul, total propaganda, sub-propaganda, masses, myth, orthopraxy, influence, theory

JEL classification:

UD classification: 32.019.5

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