Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2015, 12, 188-200
Open Access Article
Prodius Oksana
Odessa National Polytechnic University.
Alekseev Maksim
Odessa National Polytechnic University.
Prodius O., Alekseev M., (2015) Staff motivation as a main factor of increase of efficiency of activity of the enterprise. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 12(232), pp. 188-200.
The paper investigates the process of creation of effective system of staff motivation and its impact on the efficiency of the company. The analysis of publications devoted to the motivation of employees of domestic enterprises, which showed a broad spectrum of research on the subject. The main problems of the external and internal environment of enterprises, prevent the establishment of an effective system of staff motivation in the current economic conditions. Proposed a number of priority measures to improve staff motivation as the main factor in increasing the efficiency of the enterprise. The remuneration will ensure a high result only in the presence of systemic, complex nature, when monetary incentives complements the moral and social promotion. Recommendations about formation of system of personnel motivation based on their personal characteristics and internal and external motivating factors.
motivation of personnel, company, motivation, factors of motivation, efficiency, incentives.
JEL classification: М12
UD classification: 331.103