Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2016, 7, 31-44
Modeling of activities of affiliate marketing
Klepikova Oksana
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Odessa National Polytechnic University, Clasic Private University,
Silvestrova Julia
Master of 5th year, Institute of Business Economics and Information Technologies, specialty "Applied Economics",
Cite this article:
Klepikova, O., Silvestrova, J. (2016). Modeling of activities of affiliate marketing. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 7 (239), pp. 31-44.
The basic principles and directions of the process affiliate marketing business have been explored. The advantages and disadvantages, possibilities of planning marketing campaigns, technical requirements for the effective operation and possible financial risks have been analyzed. The simulation model for receiving profit from marketing activities of affiliate marketing, which allows to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of offers (goods or services) has been developed. The distribution of financial flows, affiliate company, the most profitable offers have been researched. A simulation experiments, based on which
it is possible to provide recommendations to improve the competitiveness of the company's affiliate have been done. It is also an experiment enables us to estimate the profitability of the offers based demand among consumers.
affiliate (publisher) marketing, internet marketing, internet advertising, simulation model, experiments.
JEL classification: R400
UD classification: 338.138
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