Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2016, 8, 140-149

Open Access Article

Modern economy transformation processes in Iraqi Kurdistan

Hazar Hamad Hussain
postgraduate of the Chair of Banking, Odessa National Economic University,

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Hazar, H. H. (2016). Modern economy transformation processes in Iraqi Kurdistan. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 8(240), pp. 140-149.


The economic model of development of the economy of Iraqi Kurdistan is designed to solve the problem of overcoming the crisis, provided the safe investment business based on technological modernization of industry and ensure the financial sustainability of enterprise assets. The proposed approach to defining features of the transformation process in the economy reveals the evolution of the industry from the perspective of Iraqi Kurdistan crisis management and its branches with investments in the enterprise. Given to main characteristics and disclosed features of industrial development in Iraqi Kurdistan in terms of investment, ensuring profitability of enterprises. The modern economy of Iraqi Kurdistan is transformed by industrialization industry in the anti-crisis policy and under the influence of scientific and technological progress.


economy, industry, enterprise, production, investment, resources development.

JEL classification: R400

UD classification: 657:338.48

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