Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2017, 9, 22-33

Open Access Article

Customization as a tool of product marketing. The assortment questions and aspects of product quality calculation

Bogachova Asia
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Department of Management and Marketing, Kyiv National Linguistic University,

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Bogachova, A. (2017), Customization as a tool of product marketing. The assortment questions and aspects of product quality calculation. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 9(251), pp. 22-33.


The concept of mass customization as a modern product marketing tool is considered. The modern researches of scientists concerning the problems of calculating the quality of products have beeng analyzed. The author expounds the main methodical approach of the determination of the technological influence to the quality and standard of the production. The possibility of using indirect methods of displaying product quality and its level in planning, calculating and recording production costs. The author discloses the proposition by distribution of the indirect expenses, using the volume of the production in the custom units.


customization, consumer properties of products, method of expert assessments, indirect costs, calculation of product quality, output in consumer units, integral quality index

JEL classification: М310

UD classification: 339.13

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