Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2018, 6-7,128-141

Open Access Article

Peculiarities of strategic activity of enterprises of the services sector

Nanish Anton
past master, Odessa National Economic University,

Baldzhy Maryna
Doctor of economic sciances, Professor, Odessa National Economic University, e-mail:Full text PDF

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Nanish, A., Baldzhy, M. Peculiarities of strategic activity of enterprises of the services sector. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 6-7 (258-259), pp. 128-141.


The article deals with the strategy development. It is the basic stage for enterprises of any sphere of activity. It involves the use of the full range of actions and approaches that are capable of providing an efficient business management. All approaches to design a development strategy proceed from the need to find the optimal balance between resources available at the enterprise and their use, on the one hand, and satisfaction of requests and market requirements - on the other. The shape of the strategy is often seen as a kind of administrative documents and content is seen as leverage to achieve the objectives of the company. It is specially noted the difference between the strategy and other plans and programs. The strategy is characterized by a complex nature, practical orientation, focus on the use of competitive advantages, etc. Based on the chosen strategy, the sector of operation, resource utilization mechanisms, target markets, methods of competition, the procedure for obtaining and distributing profits are determined. A mention should be made that strategic activity is sufficiently standardized. Besides it has certain features depending on the field of operation of the enterprise. After all, it must ensure the effective use of available resources, optimization of efficiency indicators, strengthening of competitive positions of the enterprise in the domestic and foreign markets, maximization of return on investments and satisfaction of clients' needs. It should be stressed that with Ukraine's transition to market-based business, the service sector began to evolve rapidly, attracting more entrepreneurs and creating new jobs. Much attention is given to the main advantage of the services sector. It is that most of its areas do not require significant investments and have a relatively quick payback period. It gives a detailed analysis of the specifics of the strategic activity in the service sector. They are based, first of all, on such features of services as, the impossibility or complexity of preservation, the decisive role of the personnel factor, the indifference, the inseparability of production and consumption, the lack of guaranteed quality standards. In the article the theoretical aspects of strategic activity at the local level are considered. The features of strategic analysis and planning in the service sector are defined. It is formulated the factors and mechanisms of strategic development of services enterprise.


strategic analysis, strategy of development, services, sphere of services, market, enterprise resources.

JEL classification: L100

UD classification: 336.6

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