Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2018, 6-7,159-175

Open Access Article

Fiscal policy of Ukraine in the sphere of expenditure

Slatvinska Maryna
candidate of economics, associate professor, Odessa National Economic University, e-mail:Full text PDF

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Slatvinska, M. Fiscal policy of Ukraine in the sphere of expenditure. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 6-7 (258-259), pp. 159-175.


The article analyzes the fiscal policy of Ukraine in the sphere of expenditures. It is noted that in the modernization of the economy and financial system, effective management of budget expenditures becomes one of the key prerequisites for economic growth, improvement of the quality of life and positive social dynamics. The attention is paid to the fact that budget expenditures, as an effective tool of fiscal policy, affect the redistribution of GDP and determine the boundaries of state influence on socio-economic development. It is indicated that the implementation of budget planning from the past leads to the transfer of budgetary risks of the previous period to the next, and the application of the methods used in item budgeting in the management technologies by the program-target method, reduces the efforts of reformers to increase the efficiency of the use of limited budget resources. It was noted that budget funds managers submit requests for unreasonably higher expenditures, while not linking them with the goals and objectives of both budget programs and strategic documents. It was revealed that in Ukraine there was a system of state administration in which the creation of affective conditions for increasing state expenditures on maintenance of the control apparatus takes place. In order to improve the fiscal policy of Ukraine in the sphere of expenditures, it is necessary: to substantiate the priorities of the distribution of budgetary funds; the application of the principle of digitalization; Involvement of scientists in planning and discussing the budget; implementation of cost planning using the principles of promising budget forecasting and planning; assessment of possible fiscal consequences from the adoption of current political decisions; the introduction of a system for monitoring the targeted and effective use of budget funds; development and legislative consolidation of the fiscal policy strategy; the introduction of a full-fledged medium-term planning system and others.


fiscal policy, expenditures, expenses, budget, fiscal regulation, fiscal instrument.

JEL classification: О230

UD classification: 336.02

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