Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019, 1, 114-135
Innovative labor and innovative work behavior: essence and management impact factors
Nikiforenko Valery
Doctore of Еconomic Sciences, Professor, Odessa National Economic University.
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Nikiforenko V., (2019) Innovative labor and innovative work behavior: essence and management impact factors. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 1(264), pp. 114-135.
The article summarizes and systematizes the results of research of domestic and foreign scientists regarding the interpretation and the relationship between the concepts of “innovative work”, “innovative labor behavior” and “innovative activity”. New imperatives of labor as a process and resource are highlighted, which become the immanent component of the new economy and post-industrial society. Proved the impossibility of identifying intellectual work with intellectual work to perform the relevant functions. The necessity of the obligatory presence of creativity and creativity, as components of innovative labor, and a certain environment with interrelated factors - knowledge, desire, ability to apply it and needs in it is proved.
Defined a clear idea of the concept of "innovative activity" and its differences from the concept of "innovative labor". Proved the need to take into account the latent results of scientific research, which can be claimed later in other areas as components of innovative labor. The important difference between innovative labor, namely the fact that it is not amenable to regulation, accurate forecasting, rationing and control is determined; there are no standards for it; he has a high degree of risk. Highlighted the need to create a favorable environment: the appropriate organization and management of the innovation process to ensure the desired innovative behavior of enterprise personnel. It has been determined that in this system of innovative labor management, the object is human resources, and the subject is the use and development of creative, innovative abilities and innovative behavior of personnel. It has been proven that the innovative behavior of employees and the process that motivates such behavior are crucial in ensuring high-performance innovative labor.
It has been determined that at the present stage of economic development, the emphasis in research is shifting towards social and psychophysiological tools of managerial influence on innovative labor behavior as the basis for effective innovative labor. Organizational (observational behavior, organizational culture, socio-psychological climate and support for innovation) and individual (inclination for innovation, interest, orientation skills, self-efficacy) factors influencing effective innovative labor behavior are highlighted. The positive and negative impact of innovation on the innovative labor behavior of a person is determined. The author's vision of the further directions of research of the influence of innovative labor and the corresponding innovative labor behavior on the development of human potential is presented.
innovative work, management of innovative labor, innovative activity, innovative work behavior, organizational and individual factors of managerial influence.
JEL classification: J 280; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2019-1-264-114-135
UD classification: 005.591.6
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