Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019, 1, 48-62

Open Access Article

Construction of the world market of honey and prospects for Ukraine

Zhuravleva Alina
master`s student, Odessa National Economic University.

Smentyna Nataliya
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Odessa National Economic University.

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Zhuravleva A., Smentyna N., (2019) Construction of the world market of honey and prospects for Ukraine. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 1(264), pp. 48-62.


The article discusses scientific approaches to the definition of the concept of economic market conditions in wide and narrow contexts. Interpretation of the situation on the global market of beekeeping products is proposed. The place of Ukraine at the world honey market by the indicator of gross production of beekeeping was determined as well as the growth of honey exports from Ukraine was observed at the conditions of significant exceeding of export quotas. The price range in the global honey trade market described. The main importers of honey in the world were defined and their share was pointed. Specific features of the honey market are mentioned. The features of the Ukrainian beekeeping market were highlighted, such as small-scale production, inefficient marketing system, a small number of sales channels, lack of marketing developments and technologies, lack of integration processes, imperfect market infrastructure. The problem of falsification of honey and accentuated attention on the world requirements for the quality of honey in terms of production, storage, transportation and sale was highlighted. The factors that influence the dynamism of the conjuncture of the world honey market have identified, in particular, the destructive influence of macro environment factors is noted. The main tasks of the macroeconomic policy of regulation of the industry are defined, such as: the further formation and improvement of the market infrastructure, informatization, automation and modernization of the industry, effective use of marketing tools, development of a long-term strategy for the development of the industry, taking into account strategic areas of management. The prospects of the industry and the factors contributing to the growth of honey production are determined. The strengths and weaknesses of the industry have identified. Main instruments of the state regulatory policy of the region, the introduction of which will contribute to the revitalization and expansion of the export-oriented vector of beekeeping development are proposed..


market conditions, bee products, honey market, production, priorities, regulatory policy.

JEL classification: D 490; P 420; Q 130; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2019-1-264-48-52

UD classification: 336.276:338.27

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