Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019, 2, 173-196

Open Access Article

Market of life insurance in Ukraine: current state and development prospects

Slobodyanyuk Olga
Doctor of Еconomic Sciences, Professor, Odessa Trade and Economic institute of the Kiev National Trade and Economic University.

Muzhailo Vasily
Candidate of Еconomic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Odessa Trade and Economic institute of the Kiev National Trade and Economic University.

Chabarov Valentin
Candidate of Tekhnic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Odessa national academy of food technologies.

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Slobodyanyuk O., Muzhailo V., Chabarov V., (2019) Market of life insurance in Ukraine: current state and development prospects. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 2(265), pp. 173-196.


In developed countries, life insurance has institutional significance for the economy, accumulates domestic investment resources, improves the economic situation, saves money and maintains economic security. So it's a standard of living and an object for further research. Every person has an urgent problem of warning and, most importantly, compensation for losses in the event of an insured event. Without this it is impossible to form relations, the essence of which is objective and reveals the essence of the economic category "Insurance protection", which is connected with life, health and additional pension of people in society. Protects people and forms in the field of insurance these life insurance relationships and which is an indispensable attribute of today's market economy. According to the current legislation of Ukraine, in case of bankruptcy of the company life insurance or its liquidation for other reasons, the funds of the formed reserves are to be transferred to another insurer with the consent of the insured or the insured person or subject to transfer to the insured person. The duration of the existence of an insurance company is not directly related to the products it sells. Economic conditions of the life insurance market are changing with the growth of the economy, an increase in the standard of living of citizens, the emergence of new insurers on the life insurance market and therefore need an adequate assessment and theoretical reflection. The life insurance market is the second in terms of capitalization among non-bank financial markets. The total number of insurance companies as at 31.12.2017 was 39 companies. Life insurance is an important means of protecting the welfare and ensuring the economic system and a very powerful source of domestic investment. There is a direct correlation between the level of GDP of the country and the share of life-assurance charges in GDP. By this indicator, Ukraine has repeatedly yielded not only to the countries with the highest welfare level in the world, but also to its neighbors in Central and Eastern Europe. Thus, according to official static data in the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland, the life insurance market was about 1-2% of GDP, in the US - 4-5%, in Japan - 8-9%. As the experience of Central and Eastern Europe shows, the dynamics of the life insurance market are primarily determined by five conditions: the level of welfare of the population, its planning horizon, the development of alternative financial institutions, previous experience of life insurance, availability of quality insurance products. With the growth of welfare, as a rule, people tend to save most of their earnings, including in the form of life insurance policies. The article establishes the need for the development of life insurance in Ukraine and its relevance, which is the basis for the full-fledged life of citizens of each country and the norm. The essence, the main risks of coverage of life insurance programs, the relationship between insurance and life of citizens, the main objects of insurance are investigated. The main problems of this type of insurance, which restrain and inhibit its development, are characterized. The analysis of the dynamics of indicators of life insurance market against the background of macroeconomic indicators was conducted. Recommendations on the prospects of development of this type of insurance in Ukraine are suggested.


insurance, life insurance, insurance companies, insurer, insurer, beneficiary, insurance amount, insurance premium.

JEL classification: D 290, G 200, G 290; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2019-2-265-173-196

UD classification: 338.43+368

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