Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019, 2, 197-217

Open Access Article

The effective management of innovations as a means of enterprises competitiveness improving

Ursakiy Yuliya
Candidate of Еconomic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute of the Kiev National University of Trade and Economics.

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Ursakiy Y., (2019) The effective management of innovations as a means of enterprises competitiveness improving. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 2(265), pp. 197-217.


The article deals with the interconnections between the innovations and the competitiveness of enterprises, their effectiveness and their consequences. It is established that the majority of domestic enterprises use outdated technologies, which in turn reduce the level of their competitiveness. There are also determined the features of innovation activity management and its main goals purposes. The peculiarities of management of innovation activity are determined and its main goals are continuous updating of the assortment and nomenclature of the manufactured products, as well as the applied technology, technology, methods of organization of production; and further development of the scientific and scientific and technical potential of the enterprise separately, and the country as a whole, the creation of a scientific work. Also, management tasks are identified, the main of which are the following: • management of social and psychological aspects of innovations; • management of marketing research in the implementation of innovations; • intellectual property management; • managing creative potential of employees; • provision of the necessary resources; • risk management. In detail are analyzed such functions of innovation management as:planning, organization, motivation and control, without which it is impossible to carry out effective innovative activity. Along with innovation activity and innovative development there is considered the concept of innovation - which is a stage of introduction and using of innovations in own activity. This research analyzes the innovation of domestic enterprises in two approaches. The first is based on the analysis of data from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, which includes the purchase of machines, equipment, software and licenses; technological and research activities, industrial design, training, marketing and research development, when they are carried out specifically for the development and / or introduction of product or process innovation.. The second according to a study by Forbes magazine, which includes those companies that, according to investors, will make a breakthrough in their area in the near future. Companies are valued for their so-called innovative premium - the difference between market capitalization and cash flows from enterprises. This research made it possible to identify a partial coincidence in the direction of innovation industry of Ukrainian enterprises: pharmacy, technology and machine building. It was also was carried out the analysis of innovation of Ukrainian and international companies, which made it possible to compare the world and domestic directions of innovations development.


innovations, innovativeness, innovative activity, management of innovative activity.

JEL classification: M 110, O 310; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2019-2-265-197-217

UD classification: 330.342.2

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