Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019, 4, 13-25
Profitability ratios of machine building enterprises as indicators efficiency of their activity
Androsova Olena
PhD in Economics, Docent, Associate Professor of Finance, Banking and Insurance, National University "Zaporozhye Polytechnic",
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Androsova О., (2019) Profitability ratios of machine building enterprises as indicators efficiency of their activity. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 4(267), pp. 13–25.
The article deals with the scientific and methodical approaches to measuring profitability using the system of relative indicators, which in general characterize the effectiveness of machine-building enterprises, their structural units, profitability of different types of activities, namely, operational, financial, investment, profitability of production of certain types of products. It is proved that indicators of profitability characterize more fully than the profit of the efficiency of management of the enterprises of mechanical engineering, as their value reflects the successful ratio of the effect of the capital invested in the enterprise, or resources used in the process of activity. It has been found that profitability indicators can be used as an effective tool in investment policy and pricing, when choosing variants for assortment formation and product structure in mechanical engineering enterprises. Two representatives of mechanical engineering enterprises are analyzed on the system of profitability indicators. The analysis of the indicators of profitability was carried out according to the following indicators: profitability of assets on profits from ordinary activities before taxation, profitability of capital on net profit, return on equity, profitability of production assets, profitability of realized products on profit, profitability of expenses, coefficient of reinvestment, capital repayment period, payback period equity capital.
It is proved that in the process of analysis of profitability indicators the level of implementation of the plan, forecasts of enterprises is estimated, the dynamics of indicators is studied, the reserves of increase of profitability are determined. It was established that the condition of improving the efficiency of the enterprises of mechanical engineering is the outrunning growth of the result of indicators of profit and net income in comparison with the growth of such indicators as capital and expenses.
profitability indicators, capital, profit, net profit, efficiency, equity.
JEL classification: G310, L620
UD classification: 005.52:331.101.3
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