Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019 5, 31-43

Open Access Article

Management of the competitiveness of the enterprise of the hotel business on the processing approach

Balabash Olga
Ph.D. in Economics, Odessa National Economic University.

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Balabash O., (2019) Management of the competitiveness of the enterprise of the hotel business on the processing approach. Ed.: М.D. Baldzhy (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Systema pensiinoho zabezpechennia Ukrainy ta yevrointehratsiini protsesy; za red.: М. D. Baldzhy (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 5(268), pp. 31-43.


The analysis of tendencies of development of the hotel market of Ukraine has been carried out. It is proved that the hotel business is one of the most promising in Ukraine. This was facilitated by a number of factors: the integration of the state into the European and world community; Improvement of investment and business climate in Ukraine; the gradual growth of business activity within the country and the increase in the frequency of business visits from abroad; growth of tourist attractiveness of Ukraine. These factors, respectively, contributed to a sharp increase in competition among hotel enterprises. The expediency of transition to the process-oriented management of the hotel activity in order to ensure its competitiveness is substantiated. The formalized processes of providing hotel services using the methodology of functional modeling, aimed at process-oriented management of the enterprise. Using the notation IDEF0, the operation of the hotel company at the general level is considered. By constructing a decomposition diagram, the sequence of the main business processes of the enterprise is presented, in the form of interconnected events, in aggregate, create additional value for the consumer. The expediency of development of additional services in hotel business with the purpose of increase of its competitiveness is substantiated. The place "provision of additional services" has been determined in the overall sequence of hotel business processes. The contextual diagram of the process "Development of an additional service at the hotel" was constructed. The inputs and outputs of the specified business process, control conditions and necessary resources are defined. As inputs of the process, the information about the number fund and information about the clients of the hotel enterprise are highlighted. The "Exit" of the "Development of an Additional Service" process determines the most additional service, documentation for an additional service and the ordering of other units. The overall coordination of the process operations should be in accordance with service standards, current legislation, hotel policies and information on available additional services. Resources in this process are personnel and IT-technologies.


management, enterprise competitiveness, process approach, hotel business, additional service, context diagram, decomposition diagram.

JEL classification: М200

UD classification: 65.01

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