Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019,6, 10-29

Open Access Article

Quality control as a function of the enterprise management system

Horlova Olena
PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer, Department of Enterprise Economics and Business Organization, Odessa National Economic University,, ORCID ID:

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Horlova, O. (2019). Quality control as a function of the enterprise management system. Ed.: D. V. Zavadska (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Коntrol yakosti yak funktsiia systemy upravlinnia pidpryiemstvom; za red.: D. V. Zavadskoi (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University, No. 6 (269), pp. 10–29.


The article is devoted to the research of modern requirements for quality control of realization possibilities in the activity of domestic enterprises. Quality control has been considered from the standpoint of system and process approaches, its components are defined. A critical analysis of the development of the essence of quality control in the historical aspect has been carried out. The relationship and differences between quality control and quality assurance in the enterprise management system have been clarified. The results of comparison of definitions of «control» and «monitoring» of quality, which are used in the normative documents of Ukraine and specialized economic literature, have been given. The relation between quality control and audit concepts regulated by international and national quality management standards has been investigated. The place of quality control in the quality management system at the present stage of its development has been determined. The list of control processes in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 has been established. Three groups of quality control processes: quality control of enterprise resources, control of basic processes in the value chain (inputs, outputs, and actions to transform inputs into outputs); other processes that include quality control processes of a general nature, as well as resource control processes that are not owned and stored by the enterprise have been proposed. The results of the systematization have been presented in the form of tables of the relevant structure. The inconsistency of traditional types of functional management structures with modern requirements for quality control has been determined. The necessity of research of the quality management system in functional and process section as a basis for updating of traditional functional structures and its adaptation to modern requirements has been proved.


enterprise, quality management system, quality control, functions, process approach, requirements of ISO 9001:2015 standard, single value chain.

JEL classification: L150; M190; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2019-6-269-10-29

UD classification: 658.562:65.015.3

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