Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019,6, 178-193

Open Access Article

Creation of organizational and economic conditions of increasing the labor productivity growth of the enterprise staff

Tanasiuk Iryna
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Business Organization, Odessa National Economic University,, ORCID ID:

Orlenko Olha
PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer, Department of Enterprise Economics and Business Organization, Odessa National Economic University,

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Tanasiuk, I., Orlenko, O. (2019). Creation of organizational and economic conditions of increasing the labor productivity growth of the enterprise staff. Ed.: D. V. Zavadska (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Stvorennia orhanizatsiino- ekonomichnykh umov zrostannia produktyvnosti pratsi personalu pidpryiemstva; za red.: D. V. Zavadskoi (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University, No. 6 (269), pp. 178-193.


The article is devoted to the research of problems of ensuring productivity growth of the staff of domestic enterprises. The attention is focused on tendencies to decrease technological readiness of Ukrainian business entities, low level of innovative activity of enterprises, reduction of the level of labor productivity of employees, deterioration of competitive positions of business in the domestic and foreign markets. It is noted that one of the most important organizational and economic conditions that can significantly improve labor productivity is the development of technology transfer. It is stressed that the main task of technology transfer is to facilitate the processes of commercialization of scientific and technological potential of enterprises. It is proved that the low level of development of technology transfer network causes a slowdown in the spread of new technologies in domestic enterprises. It is considered the need to intensify the processes of integration of the Ukrainian technology transfer network into European structures; improving the legislative framework in the field of technology transfer, as a prerequisite for the development of new technologies; development of state policy in the direction of commercialization of the results of intellectual activity; development of technology market infrastructure, involvement of enterprises in the work with existing intellectual property, creation of conditions for cooperation with educational and scientific institutions. Three groups of factors that have a negative impact on innovative development and technology transfer in Ukraine (economic, industrial and others) have been defined. The attention is paid to the need of improving and restructuring of methods of organization and management at enterprises, in particular on the improvement of personnel motivation systems, introduction of corporate management systems.


enterprise, staff, labor productivity, organizational and economic conditions, technology transfer, motivation, corporate management systems.

JEL classification: J240; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2019-6-269-178-193

UD classification: 331.108:331.101.6

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