Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019,7-8, 27-44

Open Access Article

Differences of adaptation from other theoretical approaches to enterprise management

Hrinchenko Raisa
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship Activity Organization Department, Odessa National Economic University,, ORCID ID:

Koshelek Halina
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship Activity Organization Department, Odessa National Economic University,, ORCID ID:

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Hrinchenko R., Koshelek H. (2019). Differences of adaptation from other theoretical approaches to enterprise management. Ed.: D.V. Zavadska (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Vidminnist adaptatsii vid inshykh teoretychnykh pidkhodiv do upravlinnia pidpryiemstvom; za red.: D. V. Zavadskoi (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University, No. 7-8 (270-271), pp. 27–44.


The article is devoted to the study of the concepts of «global quality management», «business process reengineering» and «business process management». The peculiarities of the genesis of the theoretical approaches of these concepts of management at the present stage, their properties, the advantages, and disadvantages of each of them, the basic elements on which each of the concepts of management is based have been investigated. In the research it has been proved that to form a mechanism for managing the adaptation of enterprises to changes it is necessary to identify the factors that influence the formation of the enterprise quality management system. Identifying these factors creates additional benefits for the enterprise when incorporating elements of global quality management into its operations as well as clarifies that global quality management can be one of the components of enterprise adaptation management to change. The authors propose their approach by which business engineering means the gradual development and implementation of a new enterprise management methodology to adapt it to changes in the environment and to reach higher performance indicators. The differences between the theoretical approaches to managing the adaptation of enterprises to change such as: global quality management, business process reengineering, and business process management have been identified. The study shows that business processes should have the main purpose of making such drastic changes in the enterprise, that is, to implement reengineering of business processes in the enterprise, such conditions of activity that require drastic, radical changes must be formed. Attention is drawn to the fact that the most difficult element in this system is the abandonment of outdated schemes and rules of operation.


engineering, reengineering, business process, business model, adaptation, factors, components, management.

JEL classification: О320; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2019-7-8-270-271-27-44

UD classification: 65.01:338.432

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