Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019,9-10, 146-162

Open Access Article

Investigation of the state of museum economy in Ukraine

Shykina Olga
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department, Odessa National Economic University,, ORCID ID:

Niecheva Natalia
PhD in Economics, Senior Lecturer of Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business Department, Odessa National Economic University,, ORCID ID:

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Shykina Olga, Niecheva Natalia (2019). Investigation of the state of museum economy in Ukraine. Ed.: D.V. Zavadska (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Doslidzhennia stanu muzeinoho hospodarstva v Ukraini; za red.: D. V. Zavadskoi (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University, No. 9-10 (272-273), pp. 146–162.


The article is devoted to solving the problem of assessing the state of the museum economy using a mathematical model of analysis. The algorithm of approaches to the evaluation of the activities of museums as counterparts providing tourist services has been proposed. From the whole range of indicators of the development of the museums segment provided by the statistical bulletin «Institutions of culture, physical culture and sports of Ukraine», eight indicators that will help to reflect at what place behind the museum case is a separate area of Ukraine have been considered. Key indicators include the number of museums, the ratio of national museums to the total, the number of fixed assets, fixed assets requiring restoration at the end of the year, the number of museum buildings, the total area of museum buildings, the number of persons with excursions, the ratio of employees with the appropriate education to the total number of employees. The factors that influence the attractiveness of museums and their exhibits have been identified. It has been suggested to use classical taxonomic analysis to describe the activity of museums, describing all stages of its conduct. The problems of formation of national museum institutions with the international experience of their development have been highlighted. The distribution of all regions of Ukraine in the degree of similarity of m to the groups «leaders», «middle peasants» and «outsiders» has been given. The group of the Odessa region as well as the main weaknesses of the museum area of the Odessa region have been determined. The expediency of introducing international experience in the formation of modern museum institutions as a form of activating excursion activity in the tourist market has been substantiated. It has been proposed to introduce into the basis of the development of excursion activity of Ukrainian museums the concept of development of innovative additional services with attraction of investments both from the state budget and through the search for sponsorship.


museums, museum business, museum funds, research work of museums, exposition work of museums, museums of Ukraine, museums of the Odessa region.

JEL classification: L830; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2019-9-10-272-273-146-162

UD classification: 338.48 : 379.8

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