Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2019,9-10, 10-21

Open Access Article

Analysis of the dynamics of the Gross Domestic Product of Ukraine

Danilyna Svetlana
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, General Economic Theory and Economic Policy Department, Odessa National Economic University,, ORCID ID:

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Danilyna S. (2019). Analysis of the dynamics of the Gross Domestic Product of Ukraine. Ed.: D.V. Zavadska (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Analiz dynamiky valovoho vnutrishnoho produktu Ukrainy; za red.: D. V. Zavadskoi (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University, No. 9-10 (272-273), pp. 10–21.


The article is devoted to the research of the dynamics of economic development of Ukraine in recent years against the backdrop of changes in the gross domestic product in European countries. General scientific and special methods of economic theory, namely: genetic method, systematic approach, the principle of unity of historical and logical have been used in the paper. The dynamics of changes in gross domestic product of Ukraine and other countries of the world during 1991-2018 has been investigated. The projected changes in the gross domestic product in Ukraine by various international organizations have been investigated. The current state of the level of gross domestic product of Ukraine in comparison with other countries has been defined. The content of macroeconomic processes determing the current economic situation of Ukraine has been highlighted. The indicator of gross domestic product of Ukraine has been compared with other countries of the world. The gross domestic product by purchasing power parity per capita (real gross domestic product) has been used for comparative comparison. It has been emphasized that there is a positive upward trend in both Ukraine and groups of European countries. It has been substantiated that in Ukraine the growth of real gross domestic product is insignificant. External and internal causes of slow growth of real gross domestic product, in particular: high level of corruption; the war in the East; rising inflation, NBU discount rate; low investment attractiveness of domestic enterprises; growth of external debt; deterioration of transport infrastructure, poor economic dynamics, lack of country development strategy have been identified. The directions of solving the current situation in the country have been presented, the ways of increasing the growth rate of gross domestic product taking into account the experience of the leading countries of the world have been given.


nominal GDP, real GDP, GDP at purchasing power parity, GDP at PPP per capita.

JEL classification: Е010; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2019-9-10-272-273-10-21

UD classification: 330.55.051

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