Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, 1-2, 28-40
Research of the social entrepreneurship model as an innovative form of business
Pereverzieva Anna
Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Department of International Economy, Natural Resources and Economics International Tourism, Zaporizhzhya national university, e-mail:
Volkov Volodymyr
Dr. Sc. (Techn.), Prof., Department of Entrepreneurship, Management of Organizations and Logistics, Zaporizhzhya national university, Zaporizhzhya, e-mail:
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Pereverzieva A., Volkov V. Research of the social entrepreneurship model as an innovative form of business. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2020. № 1-2 (274-275). pp. 28-40.
Object of study.The object of the study are the processes of formation and development of social entrepreneurship and its impact on the welfare of the population.
Methodology.The information base of the research have been the data of international organizations and the results of scientific works of leading scientists, which are published in monographs and periodicals. The methods of scientific abstraction (in determining the social and economic criteria for the functioning of social enterprises), comparative comparison (in determining the features of social entrepreneurship of leading countries), graphical and tabular presentation of results (to visualize the results of the study), logical generalization, which allowed to formulate conclusions and proposals have been used in the research.
Results.The article has emphasized that the problem of reducing the solvency of the population requires the search for new ways to solve social problems. It has been proved that one of the effective mechanisms for ensuring the satisfaction of basic needs is the intensification of social enterprises. A critical analysis of scientific achievements on the theoretical justification of the feasibility of social entrepreneurship has led to the conclusion that it is necessary to create favorable economic conditions for the introduction of such innovative forms of management in the national economy.
Scientific novelty.The scientific novelty is to determine the differences between traditional forms of management and social entrepreneurship with the formation of an exemplary social entrepreneur according to European and American models.
Practical and (or) theoretical significance.The results will be used in the future to develop a conceptual framework for the model of social entrepreneurship in the national economy and its development strategy at the local and subregional levels.
social entrepreneurship, non-commercial goals, social task, models of social entrepreneurship, social entrepreneur, entrepreneurial activity, social mission.
JEL classification: L260; L310
УДК: 334.722:316.334.24
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