Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, 1-2, 80-92
Problems and prospects of customs control in Ukraine
Vdovina Galina
Chairman of the Customs Committee of the Public Council the Ministry of Finance, Chairman of the PO «All-Ukrainian Customs Forum», e-mail:
Slatvinska Maryna
Dr. Sc. (Econ.), Prof., Department of Finance, Odessa National Economic University, e-mail:
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Vdovina G., Slatvinska M. Problems and prospects of customs control in Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2020. № 1-2 (274-275). pp. 80-92.
Object of study. The object of the study is the process of customs control in Ukraine. One of the most
problematic areas is the lack of a comprehensive study of the problems of customs control in Ukraine and specific ways
to eliminate the identified shortcomings, taking into account modern realities.
Methodology. Legislative and normative documents, analytical, statistical data of Ukrainian and international organizations and the results of scientific achievements of leading scientists have been taken as the information base of
the research. Such general and special methods as: comparison (in the implementation of comparative characteristics of the concept of “customs control” and its forms); generalization and systematization (in the process of identifying problematic aspects of customs control); observation (in the study of foreign experience), abstract-logical and theoretical generalization (in the formulation and justification of conclusions), etc. have been used in the research.
Results. On the basis of empirical generalizations in the article problematic aspects of customs control in Ukraine and, directly, customs post-audit as a form of customs control have been defined. It has been proved that the use of customs post-audit helps to focus on customs control. It has been revealed that in the Customs Code of Ukraine in defining the concept of «customs control» there is no specification of the subject of control. The inability of the new customs to exclude the possibility of errors in the single automated information system of the State Customs Service as well as the need to ensure customs security, creating favorable conditions for the development of foreign economic activity have been emphasized.
Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty is the development of recommendations on the decision of existing problems in the field of customs control in Ukraine.
Practical and (or) theoretical significance. The obtained results will be used in the future to improve customs control in Ukraine. The practical significance lies in the fact that the implementation of the developed recommendations will simplify customs procedures and implement customs control in Ukraine in accordance with international standards and practices.
control, customs control, customs post-audit, violation of customs rules, customs clearance, post-customs control, form of customs control.
JEL classification: F390; F520; K340; O240
УДК: 656.073.5 (477)
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