Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, 1-2, 53-68

Open Access Article

Scientific justification of regulation of contractual relations in cases of mandatory audit

Lemesh Valentina
Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit in the Sectors of the National Economy, Belarusian State Economic University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, e-mail:

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Lemesh V. Scientific justification of regulation of contractual relations in cases of mandatory audit. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2020. № 1-2 (274-275). pp. 53-68.


Object of study. The object of the study are the processes of legal regulation of relations in the field of audit activities of the Republic of Belarus. One of the most problematic areas is the lack of a developed scientific approach to the regulation of contractual relations, including in bankruptcy proceedings for the conclusion of contracts for the provision of services by auditors for the mandatory audit of annual accounting (financial) statements. Methodology. The information base of the research have been legislation and scientific publications devoted to the problems of regulation of contracts for the provision of services for the audit of annual accounting (financial) statements. During the study, general scientific and special methods of cognition have been used: a review of regulatory legal acts and scientific copyright materials regulating the procedure for the implementation of auditing activities and the provision of services by auditors in the Republic of Belarus and abroad, comparison and systematization when problems have been identified at the pre-contractual and contractual stage for the mandatory audit accounting (financial) statements and the list of statutory audit, which together have made it possible to determine the ways to solve them. Results. Based on empirical generalizations, the importance of improving contractual relations in the field of bankruptcy proceedings at the pre-contractual stage of the contract for the provision of audit services for the obligatory audit of the annual accounting (financial) statements has been emphasized in the article. It has been noted that there are a number of problems in the field of contractual relations for the mandatory audit of annual accounting (financial) statements, the main of which are the absence of non-cost criteria when choosing a winner in bankruptcy proceedings and the absence of persons receiving state support in the list of persons subject to mandatory audit; substantiated the need to develop a comprehensive assessment when conducting bankruptcy proceedings at the pre-contractual stage of the contract for the provision of audit services for the mandatory audit of the annual accounting (financial) statements for the customer of audit services, the share in the statutory funds of which belongs to the Republic of Belarus or is in republican ownership. Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty lies in the scientific substantiation of the need to expand the list of cases of mandatory audits for business entities that receive state support. The gained results of the study have become the basis for the development of a system of non-financial indicators when carrying out the procedure for purchasing such services in bankruptcy proceedings. Practical and (or) theoretical significance.The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the fact that they can be used to improve the current legislation in the field of regulation of audit activity in the Republic of Belarus. This will increase the level of user confidence in the financial information provided in the accounting (financial) statements; improve the quality of audit services, will contribute to a positive attitude towards the auditing profession.


annual accounting (financial) statements, statutory audit, contract, offer price, tender procedure, non-cost criteria, principle of independence.

JEL classification: K120; M420

УДК: 657.6: 174.7

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