Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, 3-4, 140-152

Open Access Article

Assessment of the quality management impact on total efficiency and efficiency of innovation

Sergienko Оlena
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Business, Trade and Products Expertise, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv,

Bilotserkivskyi Oleksandr
Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor of the Department of Business, Trade and Products Expertise, National Technical University «Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute», Kharkiv,

Kryvoruchko Natalya
Chief forensics expert Division of commodity and homological research, Kharkiv Scientifically-Research Expert-Criminalistic Center of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kharkiv,

Nikitenko Stanislav
Senior forensics expert Division of commodity and homological research, Kharkov Scientifically-Research Expert-Criminalistic Center of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Kharkiv,

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Sergienko О., Bilotserkivskyi O., Kryvoruchko N., Nikitenko S. (2020) Assessment of the quality management impact on total efficiency and efficiency of innovation. Ed.: D.V. Zavadska (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Оtsinyuvannya vplyvu upravlinnya yakistyu na zahal'nu efektyvnist' ta efektyvnist' innovatsij; za red.: D.V. Zavadska (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 3-2(276-277), pp. 140–152.


Goal. The purpose of the work is to improve the methodology of assessment and analysis of the impact of quality management factors on the overall efficiency and effectiveness of innovation of economic entities. Method. The tools of economic-mathematical methods are used, namely, integrated rating estimation, factor analysis (principal components method) and multiple regression analysis, which are practically implemented to study the degree of relationships and strength of influence. Results. A four-step technology for assessing the impact of quality management on the overall efficiency and effectiveness of innovation of economic entities is proposed, which significantly expands the components of quality assessment by factor space and, consequently, increases the efficiency of decision-making to identify weaknesses and bottlenecks. Based on the results of the factor analysis procedure, three aggregate factor features of the quality management system that affect the overall integrated indicators of efficiency and innovation are identified and given an economic interpretation. The first factor - "Quality of management actions" (the actual approach to decision-making, human capital management, a systematic approach to management); the second factor - "Quality of the management environment" (leadership management, supplier management, customer focus); the third factor - "Quality of business processes" (process management, continuous improvement). Scientific novelty. A conceptual model of factors and results of quality management is presented, which includes local formative factors of the quality management system and the resulting variables - overall efficiency (quality of work) and efficiency of innovations.The constructed regression model confirms that the factors "Quality of management actions", "Quality of business processes", "Quality of management environment" have the most significant impact on the overall efficiency (quality of operation). Selected local components of the quality management system, such as leadership management, process management, human capital and customer focus, are common measures to improve the quality and efficiency of the studied enterprises. Practical significance. The practical significance lies in the coverage of a sufficient number of indicators and factors, and the use of a wide range of methods and models provides an opportunity to comprehensively assess and analyze the current state of quality management system to improve and establish effective functioning of individual enterprise, sample and business systems and structures in general.


quality, quality management, efficiency, innovation efficiency, evaluation, rating evaluation, factor analysis, regression analysis.

JEL classification: L15, C35, C38, L15

UD classification: 338.3

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