Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, 3-4, 59-68

Open Access Article

Macroeconomic factors of motivation of households to savings

Kovalenko Victoria
D.Sc. (Economics), Professor, Professor, Department of Banking, Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa,

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Kovalenko V. (2020) Macroeconomic factors of motivation of households to savings. Ed.: D.V. Zavadska (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Makroekonomichni chynnyky motyvatsiy domohospodarstv do zaoschadzhen'; za red.: D.V. Zavadska (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 3-2(276-277), pp. 59-68.


Introduction. In world practice, household savings are a powerful source of investment for economic development. On the one hand, households themselves need household savings as part of their financial capacity, which increases purchasing power and strengthens the financial security of well-being. On the other hand, household savings are a source of investment resources in the economy. Purpose. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the theoretical aspects of the impact of macroeconomic factors on the motivation of households to save and formulate recommendations for improving the effectiveness of macroeconomic measures to stabilize this process. He operating environment in which Ukrainian banks operate is unstable and volatile, and the ability to generate cash flows with the necessary quantitative and qualitative parameters is limited. Results. In the article, it is proved that among modern theories there is a behaviorist (behavioral) economic theory, which considers the influence of psychological phenomena on people decision- making. It is determined that in the conditions of COVID-19 there was an increase in confidence in banking institutions. The article is a fair analysis of the impact of macroeconomic factors on the motivational decisions of households about savings. Such macroeconomic factors include: the level of income and expenditure of households, the level of wages, the dynamics of monetary aggregates. It is proved that given the role of savings in society, the state of household savings reflects the processes of general economic development of Ukraine, in particular, social aspects, as well as the development of financial and banking systems. Conclusions. In order to increase the level of motivation of households to save, it is advisable to introduce a combined system of guaranteeing household deposits in Ukraine, in which the basic deposit guarantee system up to the minimum limit through the Deposit Guarantee Fund is supplemented by a system of additional deposit guarantee over the limit. Therefore, further development should focus on intensifying macroeconomic incentives for households to make motivational decisions about savings.


macroeconomic factors, savings, households, financial intermediaries, valuation.

JEL classification: G21, O11, R20

UD classification: 336.72:643.63

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