Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, 3-4, 90-96

Open Access Article

Performance management mechanism of logistic enterprise

Kuznetsova Inna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head Department of Management, Odessa National Economics University, Odessa,,

Bigunovich Anastasia
manager of Forstrans LLC, Odessa,,

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Kuznetsova I., Bigunovich A. (2020) Performance management mechanism of logistic enterprise. Ed.: D.V. Zavadska (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Mekhanizm upravlinnya rezul'tatyvnistyu diyal'nosti lohistychnoho pidpryyemstva; za red.: D.V. Zavadska (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 3-2(276-277), pp. 90-96.


The purpose of the article is to form a mechanism for performance management of the logistics company on the basis of systematization of relevant indicators taking into account the quality of its business processes. The article considers the concept development of performance management. It is proved that the concept of performance management is based on the principle of unity of goals and results. The expediency of building a logistics business performance management system on the basis of a balanced scorecard is proved, which provides an opportunity to cover the most important business projections. A performance management mechanism has been formed, which focuses on evaluating quality indicators of the business processes of a logistics company. The performance management mechanism includes the following components: formation of performance indicators; verification and evaluation of performance indicators; assessment of the quality of business processes of a logistics company; development of measures to increase the efficiency of the logistics company; monitoring the implementation of measures and measuring their results. It is proposed to form performance indicators according to the financial projection using the DuPont model. The main business processes of the logistics company are determined: work with clients on order processing; cargo delivery; customs clearance; work with customer complaints; work of commercial representatives. Using an expert survey, indicators for assessing the quality of business processes of a logistics company are systematized. It is proved that to assess the quality of business processes of a logistics company it is advisable to use the method of fuzzy logic.


performance management, logistics company, business processes, indicators for assessing the quality of business processes, a balanced scorecard.

JEL classification: G30

UD classification: 338.31

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