Науковий вісник Одеського національного економічного університету 2021, 1-2, 37-45

Open Access Article

Financial potential of united territorial communities:the way to increase

Ignatenko Ruslana
PhD student at the Department of Finance, Odessa National Economic University, Odessa, Ukraine e-mail: : lanavladi6@gmail.com, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8492-2587

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Ignatenko R. Financial potential of united territorial communities:the way to increase. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2021. № 1-2 (278-279). pp. 37-45.


. Ukraine’s development at the present stage is characterized by an emphasis on administrative and financial decentralization, accompanied by the transfer of powers and resources to the local level. The development of territorial communities in Ukraine takes place in new conditions and is characterized by dynamics. An important factor contributing to qualitative change at the local level is the financial support for the development of territorial communities, which is one of the priority reforms and is sufficient to ensure financial development. The emergence of united territorial communities as a new subject of financial relations in Ukraine, intensifies the following issues: formation of revenues and ensuring the implementation of the powers of local authorities, the financial capacity of territorial communities, that is their financial potential, in order to increase the welfare of the community. The article is devoted to the study of the scientific paradigm of the financial potential of united territorial communities in the conditions of financial decentralization in Ukraine. The interpretation of the concept of «potential», the main features of the formation financial potential of united territorial communities. The grouping of sources of formation of financial resources of the united territorial communities is given. The article аnalyzes the main trends in the development of territorial communities in Ukraine, the dynamics of local budget revenues, the structure of revenues to the budgets of united territorial communities. The article uses general scientific and applied research methods. According to the results of the research, problematic issues related to financial decentralization and finding ways to increase local budget revenues, increase the autonomy of local governments have been identified. Practical recommendations and proposals have been developed to strengthen the financial potential of the united territorial communities, which aims to promote the growth of financial stability of local budgets at the present stage of development and increase the financial resources of local budgets of Ukraine.


financial decentralization, local budgets, local budget revenues, tax revenues, financial potential of united territorial communities.

JEL classification: H700, H720, R110, R190, R580 DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2021-1-2-278-279-37-45

УДК: 336.1:352

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