Науковий вісник Одеського національного економічного університету 2021, 1-2, 94-99

Open Access Article

Tools of marketing research in the conditions of economy transformation

Sotnikov Yurii
PhD, Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa, Ukraine e-mail: : sotnikov4268@gmail.com, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6774-6822

Butenko Anna
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Banking, Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa, Ukraine e-mail: : aabuteenko@gmail.com, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5380-7965

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Sotnikov Y., Butenko A. Tools of marketing research in the conditions of economy transformation. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2021. № 1-2 (278-279). pp. 94-99.


The article considers the importance and influence of modern transformation processes in the economy and society on the transformation of methodology and tools of marketing research; different views of domestic and foreign scientists on the transformation of the economy, its theoretical aspects and modern applied approaches, as well as on the development of marketing and its transformation in the latest economic conditions, at the present stage of development of economic systems; the tools and methods of marketing research in the context of economic transformation are investigated, the influence of transformation processes on modern tools of marketing researches is analyzed. The development of marketing in Ukraine should be associated with the transformation of economic processes in the world economy, especially taking into account the fact that many markets are beginning their economic activities in cyberspace. Domestic enterprises must increase their investment attractiveness, be competitive, take into account the current market situation in Ukraine, through the integrated application of marketing tools, modern concepts and successful adoption of the experience of foreign companies that pursue marketing policies from the consumer’s point of view. The formation of new marketing is still ongoing, as the transformation of society under the influence of information transformations continues. The change in marketing technologies has taken place under the influence of the opportunities created by the global Internet. The growing number of Internet users, its rapid spread, new communication opportunities have created the basis for the spread of marketing efforts to the online environment. Under the influence of transformational processes, modern tools of marketing research have also undergone significant transformation. In general, it can be concluded that the emergence of digital technologies due to the transformation of the economy from industrial to post-industrial, have made marketing research much more accessible to the general public, cheaper, and their results more accurate. As a result of the research, conclusions were made regarding the further development of applied tools for quantitative and qualitative marketing research.


market research, marketing research tools, online research, economic transformation, Industry 4.0.

JEL classification: M310 DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2021-1-2-278-279-94-99

УДК: 339.138

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