Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2021, 3-4, 59-62
Open Access Article
Mamontova Iryna
сandidate of the Department of Financial Management and Stock Market, Odessa National University of Economics, Odesa, Ukraine, e-mail:
Mamontova I. сandidate of the Department of Financial Management and Stock Market, Odessa National University of Economics, Odesa, Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2021. № 3-4 (280-281). pp. 59-62.
The purpose of the article is to summarize domestic and foreign experience in the context of the introduction and development of special (free) economic zones. Terminological differences in the use of the terms free economic zone, special economic zone are given. The main goals of functioning of special economic zones are formulated. This statistical material confirms the hypothesis of the effectiveness of the introduction of special economic zones in the economy, if there are certain conditions, namely: long-term operation of such zones, the use of financial leverage in special economic zones, examination of the feasibility of zones, definition of criteria. The main research methods were a systematic approach and analysis of the need, conditions, features and opportunities for the introduction of special economic zones in the practice of the Ukrainian economy. Shortcomings in the functioning of special economic zones in Ukraine have been identified. The criteria for classification of special economic zones - territorial and sectoral, which fundamentally changes the approaches to the construction of special economic zones and the use of a set of financial levers that are characteristic of them (zones). The system of indicators for carrying out examination concerning an estimation of expediency of creation of SEZ on six groups is offered: indicators of development of business; industrial development indicators; indicators of agricultural sector development; indicators of investment capacity; indicators of innovative development; labor market development indicators. Depending on the purpose of the SEZ, such groups can be expanded or reduced. The practical significance of the formulated approaches to the implementation of SEZs in certain territories should contribute to overcoming the negative economic phenomena in Ukraine.
special economic zones, classification, criterion, conceptual provisions, system of indicators for evaluating the implementation of zones.
JEL classification: Н110, Н220
УДК: 332.122:334