Науковий вісник Одеського національного економічного університету 2021, 5-6, 46-52

Open Access Article

Staff career development as component of bank personnel policy

Sergeeva Elena
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa, Ukraine e-mail: : lenasergeeva2007@ukr.net, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-5523-3894

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Sergeeva E. Staff career development as component of bank personnel policy. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2021. № 5-6 (282-283). pp. 46-52.


Introduction. With the intensification of the banking competition at the domestic and foreign markets it is especially important to increase the efficiency of the banks through the lens of the impact of the quality personnel policy on the formation of human resources, their effective operation and motivation for career growth. Purpose. Under the modern conditions of the redistribution of property, the increase of the openness of the Ukrainian economy, the formation of the labor market, the deterioration of the demographic and migration situations, etc., the issue of career growth of the bank staff as a component of the personnel policy requires constant improvement. Results. The necessity to harmonize the personnel policy and the banking institution strategy covers the main management functions and can be properly implemented in the staff career development through the following focus areas: staff selection, hiring and training to achieve the goals of the banking institution; staff evaluation as the best use of the employees potential and their rewarding; guarantees of the social responsibility of the banking institution to each employee. The following steps should be taken into account in the areas of the optimization of the career development of the bank staff in terms of the personnel management: constant evaluation of the actual structure of the staff and its features, the presence of professionally important and personal qualities and characteristics of the bank employees, their career prospects in the definite bank institution. Conclusions. The research determined the necessity to review the personnel policy of the banking institution depending on market challenges in order to develop the staff careers, namely: to identify promptly the level of staffing and staffing needs, the need for adaptation and training of the staff without specialized education, the management styles, the social-psychological climate, the innovation potential, the adequate model of the banking efficiency.


bank, personnel policy, staff, career, employee turnover

JEL classification: B210, C000, D030, G340 DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2021-5-6-282-283-46-52

УДК: 336.719

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