Науковий вісник Одеського національного економічного університету 2021, 5-6, 90-95

Open Access Article

Theoretical and methodological approaches to the reserves diagnostics to increase competitiveness in the wholesale enterprises of the food industry

Nosachenko Alexander
, graduate student Department of Economics, Law and Business Management Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa, Ukraine e-mail: : alex.nosachenko@ukr.net, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3461-5623

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Nosachenko A. Theoretical and methodological approaches to the reserves diagnostics to increase competitiveness in the wholesale enterprises of the food industry. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2021. № 5-6 (282-283). pp. 90-95.


Purpose. The scientific article is devoted to the study of diagnostics of reserves of competitiveness increase in enterprises as an analytical tool for identifying the state of reserves, their availability and evaluation in order to develop a strategy based on the totality of existing reserves and resources. Due to the implementation of diagnostic research, the process of recognizing and determining the general trends in attracting reserves at the enterprise takes place and identification of parameters and indicators of reserves that have an impact on improving competitiveness. Diagnosis is a necessary step in the study of the problem and allows you to identify and adjust all further management actions to increase the competitiveness of enterprises. The purpose of the study is to determine the role of diagnostics of reserves to increase the competitiveness of enterprises, substantiate its structure by determining the operations and sequence of their implementation. Method. Theoretical research is based on an analytical research method, which aims to determine the internal trends and capabilities of the subject and allows to identify the benefits of using diagnostics to determine reserves in enterprises. Results. It is substantiated that the distinguishing feature of diagnostics is the task - to assess the situation at a particular time, to identify deviations and determine the causes of these deviations, i.e. to identify causal relationships. The logical scheme of diagnostics of reserves of increase of competitiveness at the enterprises is constructed. It is proposed to determine the stages of diagnostics for wholesale enterprises of the food industry using the developed algorithm. Scientific novelty. The principles on which the structure of economic diagnostics is based and which reflect the specifics of the direction of the dynamics of indicators and the requirements for the structure of the results of the wholesale enterprises of the food industry are determined. Practical importance. Theoretical developments can be used to identify, analyze and evaluate reserves in wholesale food companies, which will build improved development strategies and outline further prospects for increasing competitiveness.


diagnostics, economic diagnostics, stages of economic diagnostics, reserves of enterprises, increasing competitiveness, principles of economic diagnostics.

JEL classification: B490, M290, L660 DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2021-5-6-282-283-90-95

УДК: 65.012.122

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/


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