Науковий вісник Одеського національного економічного університету 2021, 5-6, 34-45

Open Access Article

Features of functioning of modern model of payment system of Ukraine

Lupenko Yurii
Doctor of Economic Sciences, professor, academician оf NAAS, director of the NSC “Institute of Agrarian Economics”, Vice-President of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine e-mail: : pd@iae.org.ua, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6846-0300

Sytnyk Inna
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Ph.D in Technical sciences, Docent, senior researcher, National Scientific Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics", Kyiv, Ukraine e-mail: : lavry@ukr.net, ORCID ID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3906-770X

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Lupenko Y., Sytnyk I. Features of functioning of modern model of payment system of Ukraine. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2021. № 5-6 (282-283). pp. 34-45.


The paradigm of the renewed payment system of Ukraine presented in the work envisages comprehensive digitalization of society, development of fintech, set up to offer and provide payment services, to open access to payment systems and services through simplification of regulatory procedures and rules and their legislative consolidation. It is proposed to ensure maximum availability and convenience of payment services for users by creating broad competition in the field of payment services, which shall facilitate the entry of new entities into the payment market, as well as modernize payment systems in technical, technological, informational and security spheres. The main directions of development of the payment system of Ukraine assume that the main vector of the reform of the payment system of Ukraine, that shall be carried out using methodological approaches to its development and implementation, shall be simplification of access procedures for provision payment services to institutions (companies, organizations), receipt by the client of high-quality payment service and further integration of the payment system of Ukraine into the world. Methodological and strategic tasks for reforming the payment system of Ukraine are developed, as well as mechanisms for their implementation are proposed. Based on the analysis of the functioning of payment systems of the national economy, legislative and regulatory framework, as well as inefficient principles and rules of their operation and regulation, updated methodological approaches to the functioning of the payment system of Ukraine are proposed to their further integration into the European and world payment space and provision of quality payment services, as well as with the involvement of new subjects. The conceptual and categorical apparatus for the updated payment sphere with reflection of the offered necessary changes is developed. The methodological bases of functioning of the renewed payment system of the country that provide formation of necessary criteria, mechanisms and techniques for successful realization of the author's study are developed. Criteria for the efficiency of payment systems are developed, as well as the method for determining the efficiency of the payment system (Еps). Proposed method shall help to make a comparative analysis of the payment systems of the same segment of the payment service. Proposals for licensing of payment system participants are developed, which shall stipulate that it is not necessary to require participation in the payment system or its creation in order to provide payment services. Legislative consolidation of this important provision is proposed. Payment service providers can become participants in a payment or settlement system under conditions of functional necessity to perform a payment transaction, which is an important aspect of the paradigm of updating the payment system of Ukraine. The role of the NBU in the renewed payment system of the country as a regulator is outlined and defined, the NBU shall be responsible for modifying the payment system of the country in order to modernize it and comply with European and international standards, that provides development and introduction of legislative proposals for the possibility of their further implementation in the practice of the payment sphere.


payment system of Ukraine, payment systems, paradigm, efficiency, functional model, digitization, globalization, financial technologies.

JEL classification: E420 DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2021-5-6-282-283-34-45

УДК: 336.71

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