Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2021, 9-10, 178-187

Open Access Article

Consequences of the pandemic impact on the development of the hotel industry of Odessa region

Shykina Olga
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Tourism, Hotel and Restaurant Business, Odessa National Economic University, Odessa,, ORCID ID:

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Shykina O. (2021) Consequences of the pandemic impact on the development of the hotel industry of Odessa region. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Naslidky vplyvu pandemii na rozvytok hotelnoho hospodarstva Odeskoi oblasti; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 9-10 (286-287), pp. 178-187.


The article analyzes the current state of the hotel business in Odessa region, taking into account the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The hotel industry around the world has faced the need to close a large number of hotels and resorts in each country due to the implemented quarantine measures to combat COVID-19. There are examples of hotels that have found a niche and the opportunity to continue providing services after March 2020, but this applied to the target market of tourists who were forced to undergo self-isolation. A more widespread case for the hotel business in Ukraine was the reduction of staff, the search for new customer segments and in some cases the redistribution of the market among companies that were able to wait for the lockdown. There are a number of changes that have significantly transformed the hotel industry. There is a need for strict cost optimization, total control over the maintenance of sanitary and epidemiological norms, optimization of staff functionality to reduce the number of employees, replacement of buffets. Although the specifics of the distribution of tourist flow between different types of tourism in Ukraine made it relatively easier to bear the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. The official data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine were used for tabular grouping. The place of Odesa region among other administrative-territorial units of Ukraine according to the indicators of the operational program is revealed and the dynamics of changes for 2019-2020 is analyzed. The deviation of the number and capacity of collective accommodation facilities in the regions of Ukraine with the identification of leaders is calculated. The capacity utilization factor as an indicator of business activity of accommodation facilities is analyzed. The main trends of the hotel industry of Odessa region for 2019-2020 are identified and recommendations for further anti-crisis actions are provided.


hotels, similar accommodation, the dynamics of the hotel industry, the hotel industry, the place of the Odessa region among the administrative-territorial units of Ukraine, the pandemic.

JEL classification: L830, M310; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2021-9-10-286-287-178-187

UD classification: 338.48

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