Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2021, 11-12, 110-115

Open Access Article

Approval of the basic principles of behavioral economy

Andrievska Yevgeniya
PhD (Economics), Art. lecturer at the Department of Economics, Law and Business Management, Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa, E-mail:

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Andrievska Y. (2021) Approval of the basic principles of behavioral economy. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Zatverdzhennya osnovnih principiv povedinkovoyi ekonomiki; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 11-12 (288-289), pp. 110-115.


Modern neoclassical economic theory (fundamentalism) has been imprecise in a number of its basic concepts. This was especially evident in the belief in the rationality of a person (as a participant in economic activity). Behavioral economics has become an alternative theory. One of the most famous behavioral economists, K. Kamarer, wrote in his study: “Behavioral economics is based on the belief that increasing the reality of psychological foundations in economic analysis will improve economic theory on its own, providing insight into processes. , make better predictions about real phenomena and propose better policies "[1, p. 3]. Behavioral economics was based on the study of human behavior in relation to the economic environment. These studies made it possible to consider the behavior of individuals using complex and meaningful models, which neoclassicism could not do. Thanks to behavioral economics, they began to consider issues of economic policy in a new way, in particular, such as the degree of participation of the state in the economy and its interference in the lives of citizens. Behavioral economics has gone beyond the scope of economic theory. Here they began to consider important socio-economic problems, while using new approaches and methods. Behavioral economics is a relatively young science, its practical conclusions are relevant in the modern world. Scientists are still ambiguous about it - some believe that behavioral economics contains disparate theories that are not practical in nature, while others speak enthusiastically about it and believe that it will forever change the idea of economic theory. Also, the relevance of research on behavioral economics is emphasized by the high achievements of scientists who are developing this topic, namely: Nobel Prize winners in economics George Akerlof, Daniel Kahneman, Robert Schiller, Richard Thaler. These authors not only answer complex questions of economic theory, but also raise new problems that are extremely important for understanding economic reality and building effective economic policy. Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that behavioral economics plays an important role in modern economic theory, and the analysis of the ways of its development is relevant and practically significant.


behavioral economics, human behavior, decision making.

JEL classification: A120, A140, B120, B130

UD classification:330.821

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