Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2021, 11-12, 147-153

Open Access Article

Main approaches to the essence of the concept of «management decision»

Karpenko Yuliia
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Management of Organizations, Odessa National Economic University, Odessa,

Kobzar Anna
Master's degree of the Department of Management of Organizations, Odessa National Economic University,Odessa, E-mail:

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Karpenko Y., Kobzar A. (2021) Main approaches to the essence of the concept of «management decision». Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Osnovni pidhodi do viznachennya sutnosti ponyattya «upravlinske rishennya»; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 11-12 (288-289), pp. 147-153.


The purpose of the article is to establish the essence of the concept of «management decision» on the basis of systematization of scientific approaches to its interpretation. The article examines the theoretical aspects of the process of making managerial decisions at the enterprise. The positions of scientists who define the essence of the concept of «management decision» in different ways are analyzed. The considered definitions are divided into three scientific approaches. In the first approach, management decision is considered as a process that is a sequence of certain operations and consists of three main stages – development, decision-making and implementation. The second scientific approach is that the decision is seen as an act of choice, decision-making according to special rules. Management decisions in the third approach are interpreted as the result of choice, voluntary actions that focus on the availability of alternatives, related goals and motivations for the decision-maker. It is proposed to consider the management decision as a result of the management subject's choice of the method of action aimed at solving a particular management task. It is implemented on the basis of the problem situation analysis with using methods and means to solve it. The defining position of managerial decisions in the management process is emphasized and the basic requirements to them are considered, such as reasonableness, timeliness, necessary completeness of content, decision-making authority, optimality. Reasonableness requires that management decisions be developed taking into account the objective laws of development of the management object. The decision which is directed on the decision of the most acute problems of activity of the enterprise is considered timely. The completeness of the content means that the decision should cover all activity areas and areas of development of the management object. Decision-making power implies that the manager has the appropriate legal authority. The requirement of optimality means that the organization has sufficient resources to implement the solution, which are used to maximum effect.


decision, management decision, management decision-making process, management process.

JEL classification: М100, L290, D800

UD classification: 658.29

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