Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2023, 1-2, 37-45
Scientific foundations of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine based on the concepts of ecologization of the economy
Khmelyarchuk Mariya
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Information Security and Business
Communications of Lviv Ivan Franko National University, Lviv,, ORCID ID:
Bondarenko Oksana
PhD student, Ivan Franko National University, Lviv,, ORCID ID:
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Khmelyarchuk M., Bondarenko O. (2023) Scientific foundations of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine based on the concepts of ecologization of the economy. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Naukovi zasady povoiennoi vidbudovy Ukrainy na zasadakh kontseptsii ekolohizatsii ekonomiky; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 1-2 (302-303), pp. 37-45.
The purpose of the work is to substantiate the methodological foundations of ecologization of the economy and to
implement on this basis in Ukraine the course of the "green transition" of the national economy, as the scientific basis of the
national strategy of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine in accordance with the advanced achievements of modern economic
science, as well as the demands of modern society for high standards of quality of life in a safe ecological environment.
Methodology. The methods of causal analysis, scientific abstraction and logical generalization to justify the methodological
foundations of the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine on the basis of the greening of economies were used in research.
The results. The scientific principles of the post-war reconstruction of the economy of Ukraine were substantiated on the basis of
the concepts of ecologization of the economy, which involves the implementation of the following priority tasks: - the orientation
of reforms on the person as the main goal, beneficiary and driving force of socio-economic development, which involves the
implementation of the course of a socially-oriented market economy and maximum inclusion in social processes of all members
of society;a systematic approach to the implementation of reforms, which involves a balanced consideration and mutual influence
of economic, environmental, social, organizational-legal, political and other factors, as well as ensuring a favorable institutional
environment for the implementation of the strategy of "green transition" of the economy of Ukraine; giving reforms of state
importance, in which the role of the state will not be reduced to measures of administrative influence, but to the use of economic
stimulating mechanisms for greening the economy, as well as to the effective functioning of state and non-state institutions;
reforming the national economy with a focus on European integration as a strategic vector for the development of the national
economy on the basis of building a new ecological economy.
Practical significance. The methodological principles of the implementation of systemic reforms of the post-war reconstruction of
the economy of Ukraine on the basis of sustainable development and ecologization of the economy were substantiated.
ecologization of the economy, "green" economy, sustainable development, post-war reconstruction of the economy of
JEL classification: Q500; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2023-1-2-302-303-37-45
UD classification: 327:330.35.011
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