Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2023, 1-2, 7-12

Open Access Article

Transformation of the elements of public production under the influence of digitalization: signs and features

Danylina Svitlana
PhD (Economics), As. Professor, As. Professor, Department of Economic Theory and Economic Policy, Odessa National University of Economics, Odessa,, ORCID ID:

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Danylina S. (2023) Transformation of the elements of public production under the influence of digitalization: signs and features. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Transformaciya elementiv suspilnogo virobnictva pid vplivom cifrovizaciyi: oznaki ta osoblivosti; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 1-2 (302-303), pp. 7-12.


The purpose of the article is to identify and analyze the signs and features of the transformation of elements of social production under the influence of digitalization. The relevance of the investigated issues is that the degree and speed of penetration of digital technologies into the economy, society or the sphere of interpersonal interaction is impressive. Thus, almost 4.54 billion people are active users of the Internet, 3.8 billion actively use social networks, and 3.75 billion use mobile devices. The global level of online penetration, or the "digital" population of the planet, is almost 59%. The countries with the highest level of Internet coverage include the EU, UAE and South Korea. The last place in the world in terms of the specific weight of the population connected to the Internet is occupied by North Korea. At the same time, Asia is generally the region with the largest number of online users (more than 2 billion people in total). Among the countries, the maximum number of Internet users is in China (854 million people), India (560 million people) and the USA (293 million people). The given data demonstrate a significant degree of coverage of the population around the world, but emphasize the unevenness of the development of digital infrastructure and, accordingly, the different rates of development of the digital economy of countries. The growth rates of the companies Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon are impressive, because their total capital has now already exceeded the GDP of some countries of the European Union, such as, for example, Spain. Therefore, the countries of the world are beginning to think about how to build relations with such companies, which are becoming more powerful players on the world stage. The emergence of such conditions in the world economy indicates the formation of the third wave of globalization - digital, when small and medium-sized businesses determine the conditions of global development. "Digital economy", "digital economy", "on-demand economy", "GAFAnomics" - these terms describe modern trends in the development of economic and informational relations. In general, all these terms describe a type of economy where the main means of production are digital data - numerical and textual. Therefore, the progressive recovery and development of production potential require an in-depth study of the content and essence of industrial relations, which are formed at the current historical stage.


embodied labor, social production, industrial relations, digitalization, digital economy.

JEL classification: A100, O310; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2023-1-2-302-303-7-12

UD classification: 330.546:338.1

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