Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2023, 7-8, 155-166
Circular economy in the concept of sustainable development: paradoxes of the international macroeconomic ebvironment and financing green growth
Grod Myhailo
postgraduate student, Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations Taras Shevchenko National
University of Kyiv, Kyiv, E-mail:, ORCID ID:
Reznikova Nataliia
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of World Economy and International
Economic Relations, Educational and Scientific Institute of International Relations Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, E-mail:, ORCID ID:
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Grod M., Reznikova N. (2023) Circular economy in the concept of sustainable development: paradoxes of the international macroeconomic ebvironment and financing green growth. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Tsyrkuliarna ekonomika u kontsepti staloho rozvytku: paradoksy mizhnarodnoho makroekonomichnoho seredovyshcha ta finansuvannia zelenoho zrostannia; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 7-8 (308-309), pp. 155-166.
In the process of rethinking approaches to highlighting the general characteristics of the concepts of sustainable
development and the circular economy, we have received a number of scientific results and theoretical generalizations. Further
development was given to the understanding of the circular economy, which made it possible to identify it as a new system of
relations that meets the requirements of the trinity of social, economic and ecological systems, which is formed under the influence
of a combination of dynamic factors (climate crisis, resource crisis, energy crisis; breaking value chains; demand shocks and shoks
of supply) and global trends of development (green, energy and digital transition; Industry 4.0; growing dependence on strategic
resources), is based on a system of rules, norms, institutions that determine implementation of new business strategies at all phases
of the economic cycle (production, distribution, exchange, consumption) on the principles of maximizing the cost of resources,
optimizing reserves, eco-efficiency and innovation, which allows for a gradual abandonment of the extensive consumption of
natural resources, the formation of new ways of creating value and income generation, new opportunities to reduce costs, contribute
to the innovation of production processes, sustainable resource use, the development of productive forces and the achievement
of a qualitatively new green economic growth, provided with innovative aspects of balanced and sustainable development. The
purpose of the study is to rethink approaches to highlighting the general characteristics of the concepts of sustainable development
and circular economy, which will allow us to provide further development with a generalization illuminated by its fundamental
significance that affects the knowledge of the outlined phenomena. It has been established that the study of the circular economy
requires analytical tools of precisely the transdisciplinary approach as a means of comprehending the totality of interdisciplinary
interactions at a level that does not limit the horizon of the scientific worldview, allowing one to know the objective essence of
the studied objects in interconnection as a form of reproduction of dynamic social, economic, political mutual influences without
rigid reference to geographical borders and taking into account the distribution of powers of actors at all levels of international
economic policy. The transition to the principles of constancy and circularity, in essence, involves the full implementation of
intergenerational relations, which affect the specifics of the implementation of fiscal, debt policy and the policy of structural
transformation in particular. The implementation of the circular transition will not be ensured solely by regulatory (fiscal-monetary,
customs-tariff, restrictive and stimulating) levers, but will require a value reset of consciousness and controlled formatting of the
scientific worldview, which will change the perception of “norm”, “values”, “and choice in favor of certain business practices.
It is expected that this will form a request for an increase in the role of the state in strategic development planning (including the
development of public-private partnerships and an increase in public procurement) and the direction of spontaneous market forces
by regulatory tools of international organizations towards sustainable development (such as the CSR, ESG). The scale of cyclic
activity is limited by a number of market failures, and can be partially eliminated using digital technologies. The approach of
distribution of intergenerational obligations, which, in fact, imperatives the need for changes in the practice of market economy in
the short and medium term in order to obtain effects in the long term, should be balanced by an approach that takes into account
the asymmetry of sustainable promotion assumed by the implementing countries. The integration of non-economic factors into the
concept of development implies the fundamental nature of systemic changes in the international division of labor.
circular economy, sustainable development, Industry 4.0, economic development, green growth, international
macroeconomic environment, regulatory policy, financial instruments, green transition, digital technologies, business models,
intergenerational relations.
JEL classification: О440, P480, P510, Q010, Q560, Q570; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2023-7-8-308-309-155-166
UD classification: 339.926:339.972:339.982
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