Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2023, 9, 120-126

Open Access Article

Evaluation of efficiency of scientific activity of higher educational institutions in Odesa

Levchenko Serhii
PhD candidate of department of management International Humanitarian University, Odesa,, ORCID ID:

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Levchenko S. (2023) Evaluation of efficiency of scientific activity of higher educational institutions in Odesa. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Otsinka efektyvnosti naukovoi diialnosti zakladiv vyshchoi osvity m. Odesy; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odessa National Economics University, Odessa, No. 9 (310), pp. 120-126.


The purpose of the article is to study the application of the DEA method to analyze the effectiveness of higher education institutions. Method. For this, literary sources were first studied, starting with the creation of the method, ending with the present times. Based on this, the author analyzed the efficiency of the research component of higher education institutions of the city of Odesa using the input-oriented DEA method with constant return to scale. The inputs in the assessment of the efficiency of the scientific component included the number of teachers and the number of accredited educational programmes in higher education institutions, and the outputs included the number of citations, the number of publications, and the number of defenses of the Doctor of Philosophy degree. Results. On the basis of the conducted analysis, the author of the article determined efficient and inefficient higher educational institutions according to the research component. This allows managers to focus resources and efforts on improving the performance and quality of training in the latter. This can contribute to increasing the competitiveness of institutions, improving the quality of education, which in turn contributes to the development of the educational system as a whole. In addition, the results of the analysis of the efficiency of higher education institutions using the DEA method can be used to establish more objective criteria for admission or providing financial support, based on the successful practices of efficient institutions. In addition, immediate interventions can be implemented in ineffective institutions to solve identified problems and achieve a more balanced and productive educational activity. Practical significance. Based on the analysis, it was found that almost all HEIs have a growing return to scale, which is a positive signal for the unification of HEIs, and it was also proposed to create a scientific hub for joining efforts and finding best practices in research activities at the regional level. Also, author of the article proposes to use also the number of grant programmes and financing of research in higher educational institutions as the outputs for evaluating the research activities more correctly.


performance management, higher education management, performance evaluation, DEA.

JEL classification: I210, I230; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2023-9-310-120-126

UD classification: 338.2

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