Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University 2023, 10, 53-59

Open Access Article

Features of complex use of total quality management (TQM) methods on the example of the oil and fat industry

Balabash Olga
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Management Odesa National Economic University, Odesa,, ORCID ID:

Lysak Liliia
2nd year master's student, Odesa National University of Economics, Odesa, , E-mail:, ORCID ID:

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Balabash O., Lysak L. (2023) Features of complex use of total quality management (TQM) methods on the example of the oil and fat industry. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Upravlinnia stratehichnym rozvytkom pidpryiemstv oliino-zhyrovoi haluzi na zasadakh TQM; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odesa National Economics University, Odesa, No. 10 (311), pp. 53-59.


The purpose of this article is the development of methodological principles of strategic management of the development of enterprises in the oil and fat industry based on the comprehensive use of TQM tools. In the research process, the following methods were used: the method of analysis of dynamic series (to analyze the dynamics of oil export), a control sheet (to systematize data on existing defects in the production process), a Pareto diagram (to determine the most important factors for reducing product quality), an Ishikawa diagram (to conduct a causal - consequential analysis of product quality problems).Based on the study of trends in the development of the industry using the method of dynamic series analysis, the expediency of the development of a methodological toolkit for the development of management solutions aimed at realizing the development potential in the long term is substantiated. TQM tools were used for the purpose of comprehensive analysis of production defects of the oil and fat enterprise. The list of defects, their number and weight among all deviations is determined. The Pareto diagram was used to determine the main problems in the field of quality management at the enterprise. It was found that the main problems are the lack of a system of preventive measures and outdated equipment on the production line. The Ishikawa diagram was used for causal analysis and it was determined that personnel and equipment condition have the greatest impact on product quality. To solve these problems, it is proposed to implement a system of preventive measures, such as training of personnel in the field of quality management and laboratory control at all stages of production. Methodical approaches to the strategic management of the development of enterprises in the oil and fat industry using TQM tools have been developed. The study shows that combining the control sheet, Pareto diagram and Ishikawa diagram improves the analysis and creates a basis for strategic management of the development of the enterprise.


strategic management; enterprise development management; strategic management of the enterprise; enterprise development strategy; methods of strategic development management; quality management; TQM tools; Pareto diagram; diagram of Ishikawa, agro-industrial complex enterprises, enterprises of the oil and fat industry.

JEL classification: L660; DOI: 10.32680/2409-9260-2023-10-311-53-59

UD classification: 330.34.01

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