Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University 2023, 11-12, 184-191

Open Access Article

The paradigm of differentiation in rural development: a financial perspective

Bochko Olena
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Marketing and Logistics, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv,, ORCID ID:

Bochko Oleksandr
PhD in Economics , Associate Professor, National Environmental University, Dubliany,, ORCID ID:‐0001‐8297‐2783

Liubka Vitalii
postgraduate student Department of marketing and logistic, Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv,, ORCID ID:

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Bochko O., Bochko O., Liubka V. (2023) The paradigm of differentiation in rural development: a financial perspective. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Paradyhma dyferentsiatsii rozvytku silskykh terytorii z urakhuvanniam finansovoho aspektu; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odesa National Economics University, Odesa, No. 11-12 (312-313), pp. 184-191.


The article examines the level of revenues to the budgets of territorial communities in Zakarpattia Oblast. The level of revenues to the district budgets of territorial communities within the general and special funds is substantiated. Analysis of indicators of revenues from rural territorial communities to the budget of Zakarpattia Oblast allows us to note the low level of revenues to budgets from rural territorial communities in Uzhgorod district. Investigating receipts from various districts of Zakarpattia Oblast, we observe the highest level of income in the third quarter of 2021 in Uzhgorod, Khust, and Mukachevo districts. In the article, the differentiation of rural areas is carried out, taking into account the financial aspect. Three groups of districts are established: the first consists of Uzhhorod and Mukachiv districts; the second group consists of Khust and Berehiv districts, and the third group consists of Tyachiv and Rakhiv districts. For the short-term perspective, for the second group of districts, we suggest following the strategy for the development of mountainous territories. This proposal is related to the adoption of the Concept for the Development of the Mountain Territories of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Within the first and second groups, we suggest compliance with the Strategy for the Development of Territorial Communities. For the first, second, and third groups, from a strategic perspective, we suggest paying attention to cross-border cooperation, since Uzhgorod district borders Slovakia, Berehiv district borders Hungary, and Rakhiv district borders Romania. This will stimulate the activation of socio-economic, ecological, innovative, scientific, and technical directions of territorial development. The purpose of writing the article is to propose differentiation in the development of rural areas, taking into account the financial aspect. To achieve the specified goal, the following research methods were used: inductive, deductive — research of the level of revenues to the budgets of territorial communities of the Transcarpathian region; the graphic method was used to visually display the specified dynamics in the section of districts. The abstract-logical method was used to summarize the results.


territorial communities, differentiation, rural areas, budget, finances.

JEL classification: M310; DOI:

UD classification: 332.1:338.2

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