Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University 2024, 1-2, 7-16
Directions of human capital development through education for the formation of intellectual potential for the post-war economy recovery
in the conditions of digitalization and industry 4.0
Zachosova Nataliia
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Management and Public Service, Bohdan Khmelnytsky
National University of Cherkasy, Cherkasy,, ORCID ID:
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Zachosova N. (2024) Directions of human capital development through education for the formation of intellectual potential for the post-war economy recovery in the conditions of digitalization and industry 4.0. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Napriamy rozvytku liudskoho kapitalu zasobamy osvity dlia formuvannia intelektualnoho potentsialu pisliavoiennoho vidnovlennia ekonomiky v umovakh tsyfrovizatsii ta industrii 4.0; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odesa National Economics University, Odesa, No. 1-2 (314-315), pp. 7-16.
The purpose of the study is to determine the possible and promising directions for the development of human capital
by means of education for the formation of the intellectual potential of the post-war recovery of the economy in the conditions
of digitalization and Industry 4.0. Research methodology: methods of content analysis, systematization and generalization,
as well as visualization were used to structure and generalize the developed proposals. The results. Innovations in the field of
educational tools and algorithms for providing and receiving educational services, which are actively implemented in Ukraine
during wartime, are summarized. The Roadmap for the development of human capital by means of education has been created.
The theory of information overload of consumers of educational products and services is formulated and its likely influence on
the development of human potential is predicted. Problematic aspects of obtaining high-quality educational services from the
position of education seekers of various levels and their provision from the position of educational and scientific workers have been
identified. Consecutive steps in the direction of the transformation of Ukrainian education are proposed to meet the need for human
capital development by means of education for the formation of the intellectual potential of the post-war recovery of the economy
in the conditions of digitalization and Industry 4.0. The positive consequences and results of the transformation of approaches to
the provision of educational services for the development of human capital and increasing the intellectual potential of the personnel
resource of Ukrainian companies are predicted. The practical significance of the research results lies in the possibility of their use
by state authorities for the purpose of work out the strategies for the development of national education in the war and post-war
periods, by institutions of education to modernize the educational process and increase the level of their own competitiveness in
the market of educational services, the demand for which is influenced by trends Industry 4.0 and features of the functioning of the digital economy.
human capital, education, economic recovery, war, quality of education, information pool, intellectual potential,
digitalization, Industry 4.0.
JEL classification: J100; I200; O100; DOI:
UD classification: 330.1
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