Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University 2024, 3-4, 126-136

Open Access Article

Features of risk management under martial law: models of behavior of modern enterprises

Chernyshova Liliya
PhD (Economics), Associate Professor, Odesа Polytechnic National University, Odesa, Ukraine,, ORCID ID:

Bondar Karina
graduate of higher education majoring in 073 "Management", Odesа Polytechnic National University, Odesa, Ukraine,, ORCID ID:

Krasilovska Ludmila
graduate of higher education majoring in 073 "Management", Odesа Polytechnic National University, Odesa, Ukraine, E-mail:, ORCID ID:

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Chernyshova L., Bondar K., Krasilovska L. (2024) Features of risk management under martial law: models of behavior of modern enterprises. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Osoblyvosti upravlinnia ryzykamy v umovakh dii voiennoho stanu: modeli povedinky suchasnykh pidpryiemstv; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odesa National Economics University, Odesa, No. 3-4 (316-317), pp. 126-136.


The purpose of the article is to study the features of risk management under martial law and models of behavior of modern enterprises in uncertain conditions to ensure effective management and develop an algorithm of management actions for timely response to the challenges that enterprises face today. The research methodology includes analysis of statistical data, generalization, methods of analysis and synthesis. Results. The article defines a variety of approaches to the interpretation of the category "risk" and clarifies its definition. The process of managing an enterprise in conditions of uncertainty is mandatory, the risks that businesses in Ukraine have faced recently are considered, and attention is focused on the appearance of those related to the military conflict. The authors investigated the areas that suffered the greatest losses due to military aggression. The sources of their occurrence, impact on the company's activities are identified, and methods for preventing risks caused by military operations are established. Models of behavior of enterprises as a response to the challenges of our time are presented and an algorithm of management actions is developed, which allows us to determine the sequence of steps and procedures that should be performed to solve problems and minimize the negative impact of risks. The results of the study show that modern enterprises should have flexible risk management strategies, as well as actively use tools to adapt and respond to changes in the political and socio-economic environment. It is noted that the basis for effective risk management is the use of methods of preventing, avoiding or minimizing their consequences, especially in relation to risks caused by military operations. The ability to choose the best one will allow enterprises to reduce financial losses, maintain their reputation, increase the efficiency of production processes, and ensure long-term success. The practical significance of the article lies in the fact that it can become a starting point for further research in this direction. The results of the study can be used to form effective risk management systems at modern enterprises under martial law.


risk, risk management, martial law, behavioral model, managerial actions.

JEL classification: D230; D810; G320; DOI:

UD classification: 334:005.334]:355.018

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