Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University 2024, 3-4, 169-175

Open Access Article

The importance of an innovative-environmental approach in the strategic management of enterprises - a case study

Mokrišová Viera
PhD. (economics), assistant professor, head of the department of economics, marketing and managament, College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov, Prešov, Slovakia,, ORCID ID:

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Mokrišová V. (2024) The importance of an innovative-environmental approach in the strategic management of enterprises - a case study. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Vazhlyvist innovatsiino-ekolohichnoho pidkhodu v stratehichnomu upravlinni pidpryiemstvamy - pryklad; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odesa National Economics University, Odesa, No. 3-4 (316-317), pp. 169-175.


The aim of this contribution in the form of a case study is to point out the importance of an innovative and environmental approach in developing the optimal sales strategy of the company. The author points out the importance of analytical tools and focuses on a product characterized by innovative environmental benefits. On the basis of this benefit and value for the customer, a sales strategy is formed, which is also defined in relation to competitors and has specific communication and distribution features. The paper points out the necessity to think strategically about the optimization of the sales strategy from the point of view of 4 perspectives and focuses. The subject of the investigation was a small manufacturing company that has been operating on the Slovak market for 31 years. Based on the fact that the company is currently mostly in the maturity phase with its product portfolio, the article highlights that it is necessary to monitor the development of individual influencing factors and aspects from the point of view of innovativeness, consumer preferences in the context of quality and environmental sustainability. The starting point for clarifying the situation of the investigated problem will be a description of the current state of the established and investigated company and the development of a SWOT analysis to define an optimal sales strategy focused on four key areas: product, customer, competition and communication. At the same time, we point out the use of the strategy of low prices on the international market in order to ensure quick turnover and market penetration.


Analytical tool, Environmental element, Innovative benefit, marketing strategy.

JEL classification: Q560; Q570; DOI:

UD classification: 338

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