Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University 2024,11, 40-48
Strategic aspects of ensuring digital transformation of the bank’s credit management system
Lobkо Oleh
Postgraduate student, National University "Chernihiv Polytechnic", Chernihiv, Ukraine,, ORCID ID:
Bilyi Mykhailo
PhD in Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Doctoral Student, National University "Chernihiv
Polytechnic", Chernihiv, Ukraine,, ORCID ID:
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Lobkо O., Bilyi M. (2024) Strategic aspects of ensuring digital transformation of the bank’s credit management system. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Strategichni aspekty zabezpechennja cyfrovoi transformacii systemy kredytnogo menedzhmentu banku; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odesa National Economics University, Odesa, No. 11 (324), pp.40-48.
In current conditions banks actively use digital technologies in their operations. These technologies are involved in
providing more banking services to various economic entities. Today, information and communication technologies playa special
role in credit activities of banking institutions, which use them to improve the quality of their services and increase efficiency of the
management system of banking institutions.
Crediting is a traditions type of financial service for banking institutions. However, credit services are always accompanied by
significant financial risks, which may adversely affect their financial position. Nevertheless, digital technologies allow these
institutions to simplify provision of credit services and ensure better credit risk management. Today, banking institutions pay
considerable attention to using digital technologies in their credit management systems.
In the article, strategic aspects of digital transformation of the bank’s credit management system are studied, and this was carried
out by studying the essence and features of development and implementation of digital strategies and studying peculiarities of
formation of relevant digital ecosystems within banking institutions, combining participants and relations between them involved
in development, implementation and use of information and communication technologies. It is established that digitalization of
the credit management system is one of the most important areas to ensure the systematic digital transformation of the banking
institution, and therefore it is important to ensure its efficiency.
Considerable attention is paid to specifying modern information and communication technologies used by banking institutions. As
a result, it is determined that using these technologies in modern conditions is due to financial and organizational capabilities of
banks, the quality of digital innovations and availability of ready-made, already proven digital solutions and technologies for their
implementation in credit activities of these institutions.
crediting, banking ecosystem, digital ecosystem, digitalization, bank’s credit management system, digital technologies,
credit activity.
JEL classification:G210;DOI:
UD classification:336.71:[005:336.77]:004
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