Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University 2024,11, 7-14
Conceptual approaches and mechanism of formation of the integrated quality management system of restaurant business enterprises
Mostova Katerina
candidate of PhD, department of organization management, Odesa National Economic University,
Odesa, Ukraine,, ORCID ID:
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Mostova K. (2024) Conceptual approaches and mechanism of formation of the integrated quality management system of restaurant business enterprises. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Konceptualni pidhody do formuvannja integrovanoi systemy upravlinnja jakistju poslug pidpryjemstv restorannogo biznesu; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odesa National Economics University, Odesa, No. 11 (324), pp.7-14.
The purpose of the study is to reveal conceptual approaches to the formation of an integrated service quality management
system in order to develop a model of an integrated service quality management system adapted to enterprises in the service sector,
which will allow the formation of key stages and elements of the mechanism for the formation of an integrated service quality
management system of restaurant business enterprises. In the process of carrying out the research, the following scientific methods
were used: theoretical generalization (to characterize the components of the integrated quality management system and approaches
to its formation at the enterprises of the restaurant business); formalization, analysis and synthesis (for building a model and
developing a mechanism for the formation of an integrated service quality management system of restaurant business enterprises);
logical generalization of results (formulation of conclusions). The scientific article reveals the essence of the integrated quality
management system. Research has been conducted and approaches to the interpretation of the concept of an integrated service
quality management system have been formed. The main features of the concept are defined, namely: an integrated service quality
management system is a holistic management system of restaurant business enterprises, meets the requirements of international
standards for quality management systems, is aimed at balancing the interests of all interested parties and optimizing the social,
environmental and economic results of activities. The restaurant business is a specific branch of the hospitality industry, which is
very sensitive responds to changes in macroeconomic indicators. Development and implementation integrated quality management
systems of restaurant business enterprises can become a way of survival and further development in the conditions unfavorable
economic conditions caused by the pandemic, war, inflation, etc. The development of a model for the formation and implementation
of an integrated quality management system of restaurant business enterprises is a scientific innovation. Prospects for further
scientific research should to be focus attention on the development of theoretical and methodological principles and the development
of practical recommendations for the implementation of an integrated service quality management system of restaurant business
conceptual approaches, quality management system, integrated service quality management system, restaurant
business, restaurant business enterprise.
JEL classification:M110;DOI:
UD classification:640.4:338.4
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