Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University 2024,12, 13-20
Aquaculture food system in the context of food security of Ukraine
Iermakova Olga
D. Sc. (Economics), Professor, Head of the Department of Economic and Ecological Development of Seaside
Regions, State Organization “Institute of Market and Economic&Ecological Researches of the National Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine”, Professor of the Department of International Economic Relations, Odesa National Economic University, Odesa, Ukraine, E-mail: , ORCID:
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Iermakova O. (2024) Aquaculture food system in the context of food security of Ukraine. Ed.: V.V. Kovalenko (ed.-in-ch.) and others [Akvaprodovolcha systema v konteksti prodovolchoi bezpeky Ukrainy; za red.: V.V. Kovalenko (gol. red.)], Scientific Bulletin of the Odesa National Economic University (ISSN 2313-4569), Odesa National Economics University, Odesa, No. 12 (325), pp.13-20.
The research aims to analyze the current state of food security in Ukraine, with a particular focus on the contribution
of aquatic food systems to ensuring sustainable and equitable access to food resources. Food security remains a critical issue
in Ukraine due to ongoing economic and geopolitical challenges, which exacerbate the risks associated with insufficient self-
sufficiency and overreliance on imports. The study evaluates the integration of aquaculture systems into the broader food supply
chain and their potential to address key gaps in national food security.
The methodology employed in this study involves comprehensive monitoring of food security indicators, including daily caloric
intake, economic accessibility, self-sufficiency, and import dependency. These indicators were assessed using recent statistical
data, official reports, and international benchmarks. Special attention was paid to the dynamics of fish and seafood consumption,
as well as the domestic production capacity in the context of aquaculture development.
The findings indicate that Ukraine demonstrates a significant shortfall in self-sufficiency in fish and seafood production, with only
19.2% of domestic demand being met by local sources in 2021. Simultaneously, import dependency has reached an alarming level
of 84.1%, which is almost three times the threshold criterion for sustainable food systems. The insufficient availability of locally
produced aquaculture products, coupled with high economic and infrastructural barriers, undermines the resilience of Ukraine's
food systems. Furthermore, the study identifies a growing disparity in dietary access between socio-economic groups, emphasizing
the need for targeted interventions to address inequality.
The practical significance of the research lies in formulating strategic recommendations aimed at strengthening the aquatic
food system in Ukraine. These include policy measures to stimulate local production, investments in sustainable aquaculture
technologies, and capacity-building initiatives to enhance domestic supply chains. By addressing these structural weaknesses, the
research provides actionable insights to reduce import dependency, improve food security, and promote sustainable development of
aquaculture within the national economy. The findings contribute to the global discourse on sustainable food systems by offering
a regional perspective that integrates economic, environmental, and social dimensions. This study underscores the importance
of adopting a systemic approach to food security, where aquaculture serves as a vital component of sustainable development
strategies, ensuring long-term resource management and resilience against external shocks.
food security, aquatic food systems, fish products, sustainable development, economic accessibility.
JEL classification: H560; I120; L660; Q180; DOI:
UD classification: 639.3/.6:338.439]:351.862.6(477)
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