Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, 1-2, 41-52
Improvement of methodologacal approaches of sustainable development of economic subjects in the republic of Belarus
Antipenko Nadezhda
Cand. Sc. (Econ.), Assoc. Prof., Department of Management, Accounting and Finance, Minsk branch of REU named after G. V. Plekhanova, Minsk, Republic of Belarus, e-mail:
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Antipenko N. Improvement of methodologacal approaches of sustainable development of economic subjects in the republic of Belarus. Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University. 2020. № 1-2 (274-275). pp. 41-52.
Object of study. The object of the study are the processes of sustainable development of business entities in the
aspect of digital transformation of the economy of the Republic of Belarus. One of the most problematic areas is
maintaining a decent level of competitiveness of economic entities and the economy as a whole.
Methodology. The information base of the research is the regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Belarus,
materials of scientific periodicals and Internet resources related to the achievement of sustainable development of
business entities in the Republic of Belarus in the context of digitalization. The methods of observation (in the study of
the digitization of economic processes), comparison and systematization (in identifying the influence of factors on the
current state of the economy), deduction (in determining the main problems in the digitalization of the functioning of
business entities), logical generalization, which made it possible to formulate conclusions and offers have been used in
the study.
Results.Based on empirical generalizations, the main directions of sustainable development of business entities under the influence of modern information and digital technologies have been identified as well as the main trends, problems and prospects have been determined in the article. It has been ensured by a detailed analysis, synthesis and systematization of the components of sustainable development of the digital transformation of the economy in the Republic of Belarus. The results of the literary analysis have made it possible to draw conclusions about the need to apply modified approaches to managing business entities for their sustainable development in the context of digital transformation of the economy. Measures have been proposed to achieve sustainable development of business entities and the country’s economy as a whole.
Scientific novelty. The special role of using modern innovative approaches and mechanisms for monitoring business entities in the digital economy of the Republic of Belarus has been proved in the article.
Theoretical and (or) practical significance. The practical significance lies in the fact that understanding the underlying reasons that hinder the development of the digital economy, and a balanced combination of economic and administrative leverage, allows for sustainable growth of business entities using various online services, online platforms that support the process of making effective management decisions. The results obtained will then be used to achieve sustainable growth of commercial structures and business communities both in the world and in Belarusian practice.
digital transformation, sustainable development, crypto currency, business processes, bitcoin, digital sign (token), management.
JEL classification: L260; O100
УДК: 334.7:330.3(476)
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