Title Contents Full text PDF
Open Access Economic diplomacy in the formation and development of a national brandYatsenko Оlga Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 14-30 JEL classification: F13, F2, M38 |
Open Access Motivation and integration of employees - a prerequisite for increasing work performanceHvizdova Eva, Minx Tatiana Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 31-40 JEL classification: E24, J24 |
Open Access Methodological aspects of analysis of efficiency of the enterprise’s innovative projectPatsarniuk Alexey Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 41-49 JEL classification: D20, O20, О31 |
Open Access Foreign and domestic experience of pension system reformVolokhova Irina Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 50-58 JEL classification: H55, H75, J26, J32 |
Open Access Macroeconomic factors of motivation of households to savingsKovalenko Victoria Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 59-68 JEL classification: G21, O11, R20 |
Open Access Evolution of theoretical approaches to the bank essence as the background for the bank business model formationOnyshchenko Yulia Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 69-81 JEL classification: G20, G21, L21, L25 |
Open Access Efficiency evaluation of investment in banking staff under modern conditionsSergeeva Elena Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 82-89 JEL classification: B21, C00, D03, G34 |
Open Access Performance management mechanism of logistic enterpriseKuznetsova Inna, Bigunovich Anastasia Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 90-96 JEL classification: G30 |
Open Access The essence of the concept of effectiveness and efficiency in managementMisko Hanna Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 97-102 JEL classification: L10, С45 |
Open Access Application of innovative business models in innovation management at enterprises in risk conditionsGorovyi Dmytro, Ivakhnenko Andriy Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 103-110 JEL classification: O30 |
Open Access Competitiveness of international travel insurance servicesPiddubna Lyudmila Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 111-123 JEL classification: М31, G22, G15 |
Open Access State and prospects of development of energy service companies in UkraineDjedjula Vyacheslav, Yepifanova Iryna Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 124-131 JEL classification: O13, Q43 |
Open Access Business process outsourcing as a way to increase the capitalization of an enterpriseManoylenko Oleksandr, Gorovyi Dmytro, Strokov Ievgen Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 132-139 JEL classification: M29 |
Open Access Assessment of the quality management impact on total efficiency and efficiency of innovationSergienko Оlena, Bilotserkivskyi Oleksandr, Kryvoruchko Natalya, Nikitenko Stanislav Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 140-152 JEL classification: L15, C35, C38, L15 |
Open Access Modeling of short-term dynamics of foreign exchange rates using deep neural networksDerbentsev Vasily, Bezkorovainyi Vitalii, Ovcharenko Andrey Scientific Bulletin of the Odessa National Economic University 2020, № 3-4, pp. 153-163 JEL classification: G170 |